Woodworker's Journal 1983-7-6, страница 7


salvage a bad product or, for that matter, a good product priced too high. Ask the people who tried to sell the Edsel, one of history's most highly promoted new products. It all comes down to a basic principle of marketing. Start with the right product at the right place and price. If you can supply those, I can guarantee a consistent well-planned classified ad will bring you all the customers you can handle.

David Alley Classified Advertising Manager News-Star-World Monroe, La

Can you give me the name of a company that sells plans for cupolas?

Louis C. Eaton, Howell, Mich.

Craft Patterns, 2200 Dean Street. St. Charles, IL 60174 sells cupola plans. Send $1.00 for a copy of their current catalog.

Do you know where I can find leather handles similar to those used on old-style steamer trucks?

Frank Lew, Altunas, Calif.

quite ideal results in regards to combating the dust problem when applying varnish.

I use a sweeping compound about an hour before I plan to apply varnish. Then, prior to the time I start applying a finish, 1 spray the area floor with a mist of water. An old Windex spray container works quite well. After that, you can begin applying your finish; you might want to add more water mist on the floor in the middle of the job as added insurance against dust particles alighting on the wet project.

Robert 0. Burrows Belle Plaine, Iowa

I'm a woodworking student at James Caldwell High School in West Caldwell, New Jersey. Can you tell me where I can get plans for wind powered weather vane toys?

Dan Cordasco, West Caldwell, N.J.

The company Charolette Ford Trunks, Box 536, Spearman, Tx 79081 sells a variety of trunk parts. Write to them for more information.

I'm looking for a supplier of desk chair swivels—the type that allows the chair to tilt as it swivels.

William LaSalle, Clayton, Kans.

The Woodworker's Store, 21801 Industrial Blvd., Rogers, MN 55374 sells a set of plans for animated weather vanes. The price is S3.25 plus $1.50 handling and shipping. Order p/n G8293.

There is probably not one in 100 readers of The Woodworker's Journal who are lucky enough to have a dust-free room for finishing their projects. Here is something 1 have been doing for years now, and though it might not be 100 percent perfect, it does produce

Valley Creek Woodworks, Box 68, Lakeland, MN 55043 sells a chair swivel and tilt mechanism. Both the height and tilt tension are adjustable. Price is S60.00 postpaid.

(continued on next page)





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