Woodworker's Journal 1984-8-3, страница 6


Japanese Tools from Garrett Wade for the American Craftsman.

Many of the Japanese tools we carry art made to our specifications for the American Craftsman. Here are some.

Most Dozuki saws are designed for soft wood cutting. Not so with our Hardwood Dozuki — filed with a modified tcxith pattern specifically for American hardwoods. Kerf only .0181' 25 TP. Blade length iOW." Has replaceable blade.

Garrett Wade's modified Japanese Dovetail Chisels are fitted to our specifications with steel hoops as well as the traditional slightly raised oak handles. This means they can absorb a mallet blow as well as be used for paring. The triangular blade shape gives clean sight lines. Available as a pair (12mm and 24mm).

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□ Hardwmd Duiulti IJS.85

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Letters, (Cont'd)

914-271-3101. Send a self addressed stamped envelope with four slides of work plus one of your display to Monya Brown, 33 Lexington Drive, Croton-On-Hudson, NY 10520,

A summer workshop entitled "Equipment Maintenance and Repair" will be offered by the School of Technology at Bowling Green State University and Ornamental Products Tool & Supply Company. The six day workshop, which may be taken for non-credit or for 2 semester hours of undergraduate or graduate credit, is scheduled for June 18-23, 1984. Meeting hours for the workshop to be held in Cleveland, Ohio, will be 8:00 a.m. to 5:20 p.m. daily.

The purpose of the workshop is to familiarize the participants with setting up, adjusting, maintaining, repairing and overhauling common woodworking and metalworking machinery. Demonstrations by field service staff and intensive "hands-on" activity will highlight the week as numerous machines are explored.

For information or registration materials contact Dr. Richard A. Kruppa, School of Technology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. Phone (419) 3722436.

We're pleased to announce the Eighth National Woodcarving Show sponsored by the Eastern Oklahoma Woodcarvers Association. It will be held on July 27-29, 1984. There will be at least eighty woodcarvers from Oklahoma and surrounding states displaying their art.

For information contact Ted Cum-mings (Show Chairman), P.O. Box 103, Kellyville, OK 74039. (918) 2476654; or Robert Hughes (Publicity), 2204 S. 132nd East Ave., Tulsa, OK 74134, (918) 437-1474.

Editor's Note: Reader requests for information keep coming in. Here are a few more.

Can any of your readers supply me with the name of a company that makes old-fashioned spoke-hub type wheels (10 in. to 14 in. diameter) that

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stagecoaches? I would prefer them made out of oak. Any information you can furnish will be greatly appreciated.

C. A. Watts 4126 Faulkner Place Charlotte, NC 28211

1 need some help locating an owner's manual and/or parts list for a Sears (Dunlap) Jig Saw, model number 103-0403. Naturally, I will pay for any photocopying and mailing costs associated with the delivery of this information.

George S. Malindzak, Jr.

183 N. Prospect St.

Kent, OH 44240

I'm trying to find 2 — 2'/i in. diameter rubber wheels and 4 — 6 in. diameter plastic wheels. I'm looking for the kind used on lawn trimmers, white with a black tire.

J. A. Junge 6915 Farrow San Antonio, TX 78240

I am in search of an armature shorting device for a motor on my old Delta Unisaw. I wonder if any of your readers might have a scrap motor around or know where 1 might obtain a new armature device. I'd also like to get a 5 orS'/i in. three-V motor pulley for this machine. The motor tag reads: Delta Mfg. Co., Model 8300, 1725 RPM lhp. Frame IR80 CU, Style 235 32, Volts 115/230, Amp 12/6, Single phase.

Joseph W, Law P.O. Box 305 Leslie, GA 31764

1 would like to hear from any readers who may have the manual and replacement parts list for a Craftsman 18 in. jig saw, model number 103.23151. 1 will reimburse you for any expenses incurred in making copies, plus postage.

Alex W, Flinsch 28 Willard St.

Garfield, NJ 07026

I have recently purchased a Sears radial-arm saw (9 in.), model number 113.29350. I am willing to pay for a copy of the operator's manual.

C. C. Cornell 193 Fairlawn Dr. Columbus, OH 43214