Woodworker's Journal 1985-9-5, страница 31


care here. You may warn to drill the hole prior to turning the chuck.

Preparing and Turning the Yo-Yo

You can, of course, utilize the scrap wood we all have a tendency to collect around our shops for your yo-yo's. However, if you intend to make any quantity of these, as f do, you will probably want to stan out fresh. I start with in. thick x 3 in. w ide x 36 in. long cocobolo. Begin by resawing and planing the stock down to 5/x in. x 2'/-t in. sirips. Next, you will need to set up a sliding table on the band saw and cut the blanks to 2'/-» in- squares.

Drilling the blank is the next step. Purchase your 7s in. diameter dowels first, from a good reliable source to insure that they are perfectly round and true to size. Be careful lo select a brad point drill bit to exactly match the size of your dowels. A 7# in. bit is not always exactly V« in. Set up your drill press wiih a V-block on the table to accept the blank and align ihe bit to center the hole. Adjust the depth to '/4 in. and drill the blanks.

Return to the band saw and cut the corners off the blanks to produce an octagon. I use a simple jig. as shown in Photo 19. Once again, this will help to reduce the time it takes to turn the finished product.

1'hoto IS

Photo 19

Scptember/Oetober 1992

Photo 21

To turn the yo-yo blanks, first position the blank over the stub on your chuck and turn on your vacuum system (Photo 2<)>. Il should pull up tightly against the chuck. As before. I use the 7s in. deep fluted bow l gouge to do most of the shaping (Photo 2 I i Start b\ turning the blank down to just a bit larger than your chuck, then with a very light finishing cut. trim it down to the exact si/e. Now, using ihe saine gouge, you can radius the outer edge of the blank, it can be most any size radius, but it is important that both halves of each yo-yo are identical. It one half is heavier than the other, then the yo-yo will be out of balance, and won't operate properly. You might w anl to make a template (Fig. 2) to check each half. Sand and finish the yo-yo blanks white they are still mounted on the chuck (Photo 22).

Cut your 7h in. dowels to just over 9/i6 in. long. I here should he a space slighily wider than the string once the blanks are put together with the axle. You may need to adjust axle length depending on the exact depth of the holes drilled previously. Assemble the two halves w ith a drop of cyanoacrylate adhesive in each hole (Fig. 4: Photo 23). Be careful not to use too much, as squeeze-out w ill interfere w ith the operation of the yo-yo. Add the string (see Sources) and you're ready to walk the don and rock the baby.



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