Woodworker's Journal 1986-10-4, страница 8


use installing telephone jacks throughout the house. Things went swell for a while and I found the drill to my liking. However, nearing completion of the job it occasionally began to make a harsh sound. It got progressively worse until it sounded bad all the time,

I took the drill to the tool department at Sears and was told that nothing could be done without a sales slip. The customer service department said the same thing.

As luck would have it, a check with my son-in-law confirmed my worst fears — the sales slip had been tossed out. At Sears' suggestion I took the drill to their repair center but got the same story — no sales slip, no action. 1 could, however, get it fixed for $21.80 paid in advance.

In your March/April 1986 issue you had a comparative tool review article covering % in. variable speed reversible drills. In it you discuss the Sears guarantee and state "... Sears is widely recognized as having one of the best guarantees in the business. Considering this fact, and the ease with which repairs and returns can be accomplished, it is not surprising that Sears is so

highly regarded". Based on my recent experience at Sears, though, I'm not so sure you're right.

Alvin Hammer, Chicago, 111.

Editor's Note: We sent Mr. Hammer's letter along to Sears and asked for their comments. They reply:

While it is not absolutely necessary to retain a sales slip unless the item is commonly sold by other companies, it is a good practice to do so. A sales slip readily establishes the warranty period and thus facilitates an adjustment. We have a sign over the door on every Sears store across the country that reads "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back". A customer advising Sears of dissatisfaction with the purchase of any product or service for any reason within a reasonable time after purchase wili obtain prompt and courteous action from the Sears unit contacted. We stand by our services, our products and our people, but most importantly we stand by our customers.

Sears has assured us that they will contact Mr. Hammer and the Sears store involved, and will either replace the drill or issue a full refund. (Ed.)

Odds and Ends

The Mississippi Woodworker's Association holds meetings on the first Thursday of each month at the Sykes Park Recreation Center off Daniel Lake Drive in Jackson, Mississippi. Meetings begin at 7 p.m. and interested woodworkers are invited to attend. For more information, contact: Howard G. Boone, 105 Redbud Trail, Brandon, MS 39042.

The Kansas City Woodworker's Guild was started in November 1984. At this time we have 100 members, 33 percent professional and 66 percent amateur. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in woodworking. We meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 510 North Sterling in Sugar Creek, Missouri.

Our first annual public show was held this past November. Ninety-seven pieces of very fine work were displayed, with 750 people in attendance. For more information, call (816) 358-1227.

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Typical shapes that can be obtained with single combinations cutters




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8 The Woodworker's Journal


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