Woodworker's Journal 1992-16-6, страница 24So Here Goes: It realty is rigid. It really does sand 44" wide in two passes. It realty is precise. It really is affordable. It really does have new and really improved abrasive fasteners. It is a high quality product made in the U.S.A. tt really is the best drum sander money can buy. tt really will exceed your expectations. Performax Products, Inc. -1991 Outstanding Small Business of the Year" 1_Burnsvilte, MN_ For a Free Brochure and Ihe Dealer Nearest You Cad 1-800-334-4910 or (612) 895-9922 or write: PERFORMAX PRODUCTS, WJ01 12211 Woodiake Drive, Bumsvilte. MN 55337 Please circle No. lO.-t mi the Readei Senile ( aid [Parts Kits do not include lum-jber - on!y necessary parts CRAFTER'S MART P.O. BOX 2342-J GREELEY, CO 80632 64-"age CATALOG: S2 credit towaUs tint order. Free with any order. Check, MasterCard or VISA (include daytime phone, card no., e*p dale & signature) pnOCESS'NG CHARGE: Continental U.S. S4. AK. H' APO & FPO $10; Canada S16; Foreign 20% plus SIC (U.S. Funds i. CO Res. add 3% la*. PHONE ORDERS: 8am-5pm Mon-Frt. 9 am-4pm Sal, Mountain Time. Into: (3031 351-0676 1 - 800 - 999-3445, Ext. 44 Please . ircle No. 20 J on Ihe Reader Service Card I 2-1 Performax Precision Drum Sanders Woodworking Basics Continued ihe work down solidly on the table directly over ihe cutler. In addition to preventing chatter at this critical area, it also provides some guarding of the cutter. I then clamp two or three feaiher-boards flat on ihe table, so they hold the work securely againsl the fence. There are several ways to set ihe featherboards. I first sel a k-atherboard on the feed side of the router table, run a shorl length of material about halfway through (Fig, 4), turn off the router, and then set ihe featherboards above the cutler and on ihe outfeed side (Fig. 5). Then restart the router and complete the cut. The nice thing about using featherboards is thai you can push stock about half way. then with complete calmness walk around to the outfeed side and pull it the rest of the way through. If the bii is sharp Ihere will not even be a sign that you paused. Armed wiih ear protection you can now stick all of the pieces safely. Coping the Ends of the Rails Make a Coped Backup Block: Once all of the stiles and rails have been slicked, unplug the router and change to the coping bit >et. Adjust the cutler heighi by comparing it to the work you have just completed as illustrated in Fig. 6. Replace the fence and adjust it to the bearing guide wiih a steel ruler as we did in Ihe slicking operation (Fig. 7). Now set up featherboards and slick about 30 in. of V* in. by I'/- in. stock with the coping bit (Fig. 8). This material will provide backing blocks that can be placed in the stickered side of the rails during the coping cut. As the name implies, these blocks back up the cut and prevent splintering on thai side. This small detail is not covered in any books or directions this author has come across, but is imperative if professional results are lo be obtained. Make the Cope Cuts: The traditional way of coping the rail ends is with a miler gauge, however, many router tables aren't slotted for a miter gauge. That is okay because my method dries not require a miter gauge slot. Instead, use the fence, which is aligned with the cutter set. to guide a simple squared pusher block to advance ihe stock. Jusl square a piece of scrap (approximately 6 in. by 14 in.) on the table saw and use it to push the stock and backing block pasl •4K The Woodworker's Journal F-F-FROSTY Our snowman has red light nose lhat blinks In time to 'Frosty The Snwman* when his belly button is pustted. *01550N Plans 3.50 #04550NZ Plans ana Parts Kit B.CO *04550N Parts Only: 4.95/Ea, 13 50/3. 41.50/10 MR. & MRS. SANTA Bolh play Xmas music when you push their nose. Very popular Xmas project. <03909 Plans 6.50 I06909Z Plans & Parts let 13 SO <■06909 Pans Kit Only: S.CXVEa, at 4ST3,63.00/10 WELCOME A boutique best seller' Not only does H say 'wlcome'. but ft plays a Christmas melody with lights blinking In time. Parts Kit includes everything but lumber. ♦01570 Plans 4.00 <045702 Plans and Parts Kjt 12.00 #04570 Parts Only: 8.75/Ea 23.85/3, 68.00/10 Our Customers Say: You know you really oughta tell people thai a Performax Sander realty does what you say it'll do." Performax S/T Sander attached to a Radial Saw with Power Feed. |