Woodworker's Journal 1994-18-1, страница 4



Ancient Treasure

One of ihe real joys in woodworking is ihe sharing of knowledge with other woodworkers, and if we are lucky, the passing on of our skills to children and grandchildren. Occasionally, though, that camaraderie stretches across much more than generations.

The little Heart Box in this issue is a copy of a box recently discovered in an ancient shipwreck off (he coast of Israel. Incredibly, after 2400 years under water, the little olive-wood box. and a pair of violin-shaped boxes found with it. were still in remarkable shape. Also found in the wreck were a basket of woodworking tools, including cutting, carving and boring tools, a whetstone, a square, and fresh wood chips from whatever was being worked on.

The discovery of the Ma'agan Micha'el ship (so named for a kibbutz near the site), was detailed in an article in Biblical Archaeology Review. The article noted that the Ma'agan Micha el is only one of a variety of recent finds, made possible by shifting sands and changing fault lines along the Israeli coast, that are shedding much-needed light on long ago times. Along with the basket of tools (probably owned by the ship's carpenter), the site yielded cooking utensils. pottery, olive, fig and grape seeds and various pollens, all of which help archaeologists determine the ship's origin, business, and even its likely destination.

The Ma'agan Micha el ship, thought to be on her maiden voyage, was in such a remarkable state of preservation thai divers disassembling the wreck were forced to slice through the oak tenons joining the pine planks together. But most surprisingly, even after so long a submersion, the planks still emitted a faint odor of pine resin. It is indeed a wonderful material—this wood that we all so fondly work.

A Resolution Kept

An oft-heard New Year's resolution among woodworkers is "This year I'll clean up my shop's dust problem." In this issue you'll find several devices that may finally help you keep that resolution. The Super Sanding Center on the cover is the culmination of months of testing and development here in our shop. Powered by just about any standard dust collector, it eliminates one of the primary sources of dust—that generated b\ sanding. And. for finer, airborne dust particles, don't miss our Shop Test of Penn Slate's new Air Cleaner. Finally, here are a pair of affordable solutions to that perennial dust problem.

New Index

We heard you! In response to your requests for a more comprehensive index, for the first time, our index includes not only all projects still available in back issues, but also ever) project available in our 9 books. The index is bound into the center of this issue, so it is easy to remove and tack up on your workshop bulletin board.

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