Woodworker's Journal 1994-18-1, страница 7


Sears technician, haven't solved the problem. Any ideas?

Raymond J. Pershing, Evanston. III

We asked woodworker and author. Dick Burrows, to handle this one: The blade problem you describe can be very frustrating. I've occasionally encountered a blade that acted as if it were cursed and wouldn't run property. Usually I've managed to gel good performance by carefully aligning and balancing the band saw wheels, cleaning the tires and adjusting the blade guides. However, the !/l6 in. blades I 've used oil Scars band saws did require more careful tuning and tensioning than did the wider blades. I 'm working on an article for an upcoming issue thai will address blade characteristics and irtfv.v to obtain optimum performance. I haven't used the blade you mentioned. but will try one out as I work on the article.

In Ihe Letters section of your November/December 1993 issue, a reader asked thai you offer more Queen Anne and fine early American furniture designs. and that you keep Shaker projects, which he described as bland, to a minimum.

Certainly. Queen Anne and fine early American designs arc beautiful and challenging, but Shaker pieces have a subtle, quiet beauty that is rooted in their functionality. They are every bil as classic and traditional as other styles, and their simplicity captures the spirii in which they were made. I hope you'll offer more in the future.

Mark A. Lagorio. Victor. Calif.

In ihe Letters section of our September/October 1993 issue, a reader requested lhal we feature a St. Nicholas carving each year, and make it a Chrisimas iradition. We said we would—if enough readers wanted it.

Well, our mail tells us that readers clearly like the idea, so Santa will be hack in our November/December 1994 issue.

Your safety is important to us .. , We strive to present our plans and techniques as accurately and safely as possible, and we try to point out specific areas and procedures where exiru caution is required. Bin because nf ihe variability oT local conditions, construction materials anil personal skills, we can'l warn you against all potential hazards. Remember to exercise common sense and use safety measures when operating woodworking power equipment. Don'I attempt any procedures you're noi comfortable wiili or properly equipped for. Some times, for ihe sake of clarity, it's necessary lor a pboio or illustration lo show power tools withoul Ihe blade guard in place. In actual operation, though, you should always use blade guards and other safety devises on pow er tools that arc equipped with them. Remember. . . an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure.

The Editors


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