Woodworker's Journal 2004-28-4, страница 2



Cluing up stock is such a part of woodworking that it's sometimes easy to overlook. For many, it's a process to work though and get behind you ... until you run into trouble. Then you start looking for a better method. To help out, we've put together some of the Journal's favorite gluing tips.

Glow in the Dark Glue

Chris Marshall, one of WJ's contributing editors, clued us in to this keeper. Lse Blacidite1" added to your favori'e glue. and stra> glue marks and fingerprints will shine (Hit a warning under a black light. (See the photo on the opening page.) ,'ust one ounce per gallon of glee will do the deed. In this ease, an ounce of prevention is worth a perfect stain job. And on? more thing: some glues already have

Big, Flat and Far too Wide

It seemed so easy in your head ... gluing that wide panel to a wooden substrate ... and then you tried to figure out how to clamp the thing until the glue had cured. Rats! But don't fear, Rick White, the Journal's only practitioner of 'White Magic", will help yon

Just a fevr drops of a lluorescert compound like Blacklito will allow you to see glue marks and smudges cleany. As shown in tire photo on page

27. the errant glue will stick out like a sore thumb(print).

fluorescents (the stuff that ^lows under a black light) in their standard formulation. Franklin's HiPURformer™ is ore example. So get your old black light out of the attic (and while you're there, grab -.hose tie-dyed T-shirts, too: they're back in style), and put it to use in your shop.