Woodworker's Journal 2006-30-2, страница 14


Standout Shop Support

Same concept. easier access.

Improved Router Wrench

I liked the "router helper" featured in a previous issue of H^s "Tricks." but I took the idea one step further and added an extension handle. This gives me plenty of torque, and I don't have to grope around under the router table.

Frank Ij>retti Hellertown. Pennsylvania

Transferring Patterns

Patterns made on a laser printer or copy machine can be quickly transferred to the workpiece with the heat of a household iron. Use the iron at a high setting (disable the steam function), and remember that you will get a mirror image of the original.

Mike Burton Ogden, Utah

Gluing Panels

When gluing large panels, you have to keep them from bowing. My solution is to buy aluminum square tubing (I use l'a" for panels up to 3 feet wide) and cut it to length according to the widtli of panels. Simple wing nuts at the ends of each pair prevent overtightening. Drill holes at one end. then a series of evenly spaced holes along the length, as shown. Substitute threaded rod for the bolts if making very thick panels.

Daniel Kingsberry Gatineau, Quebec

Aluminum square tubing eliminates bowing from clamp-ups


14 April 2006 Woodworker's Journal

Reinventing the Basic Sawhorse

I have used a lot of different models of sawhorse in the course of 50 years of woodworking, but this is my favorite. It is lightweight, can be made from scrap in half an hour and. instead of folding, stacks both horizontally and vertically. I keep several different sizes so I can choose the pair that best suits the work at hand. You could use practically any wood, but I prefer sprucc for its high strength to weight ratio. Spruce combined with oak legs would make for a sturdier horse.

Carlos Fa rah San Francisco, California