Woodworker's Journal 2006-30-2, страница 18


A Lifetime of Collecting Tools

80 Years Building a Shop

Bob Rich of Sherburn, Massachusetts, is "85 years young," he wrote to us. Bob also sent us a detailed sketch of his shop, with some history of his tools and his tool-buying life, which we thought would be interesting to share with the rest of our readers.

Bob started woodworking by making a go-cart with rope steering when he was about 10. Then, he said, "when I was 14,1 bought my first machine. It was from Kresge's and it cost $1.50.1 took it back.

"A year later, my father gave me a 'synchrosaw,' which had a vibrating motor. That cost $7.50 and was a satisfactory tool.

"Since then, I have bought and sold many tools, and here I am." And here he is.

(The size of Bob's shop, if you're wondering, is about 1,053 sq. ft.)