Woodworker's Journal fall-2008, страница 99



Lie lime Connected Equipment Protection

IS&e policy for

Lifetime Warranty

>»« packaging tor itsluisl

Voted MVT by your tools.

Protect your workshop investment with the SurgeArresf Workshop.

Have a workshop7 Be warned bad power can turn your toois into toast "Bad power'is all those spikes, surges, and lightning strikes that can take years oft the life of your tools So what are you supposed to do. stop plugging them In? We have a better solution the SurgeArrost

SurgeArrest protects your workshop investment by running interference against unpredictable power It guarantees protection from power spikes and surges, so you get the most out of your tools And, as a nice little bonus, you get all the extra outlets that your bigger projects demand.

And white the SurgeArrest pampers your tools, t s rugged design can hold up to the less-than-cushy environment of your workshop, basement, garage, or wherever you happen to be working When you buy SurgeArrest, you can relax - t Comes with a warranty that protects il and the tools vou plug into it So before you get to work, get a SurgeArrest to wotk tor yog.

Fori am lOmiliian

dai'[ nssd la wrrv about losing Ihgit lopproblems

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Eitwlwl urge prniecinii fur □mpiitert and hone electrodes.

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Ratable ajrge protection for horns of etfice computers suit electronic BqupneirL

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Entertainments^ it s99

CowplBlc urge protection for

high performance computers and electro act.

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, j/ufita ttf ah' JM ;T,ftfl r?HJ S.TJJSfansf W&fabnfl l>wi1 j rftfrtr t jnaj ft" r,x in ttf jmof t-.ifitifrto puwrr ic&tt

Workshop Sto^ irtsi 5

Cflflpltfe targe jirotection for your power look,

8 0U08&, rugged consnucion 320 eP Joulei up la IS' power cord

FREE shipping when you purchase a 7 outlet APC SurgeArrest Workshop (PDIY7) online lor $14.99

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