Creative Woodworks & crafts 1998-03, страница 47

Creative Woodworks & crafts 1998-03, страница 47

pages (newspaper format) are packed with tips, techniques, information, as well as thought-provoking articles. Both Roy and Scott have discovered that Ihey really love the publishing business. As they put it, "Publishing Scroll Saw News gives us a chance to make a difference and help out where we can." For example, one of the recent stories published in Scroll Saw News told of a heart patient who was experiencing bouts of depression. Through his involvement with scroll sawing, this person found a new, brighter outlook on life. Not only that, but he now also teaches the craft to over 30 other recovering heart patients who have discovered a richer, happier life through scroll sawing. Publishing uplifting stories such as this simply makes Roy and Scott happy.

The name of the game is service

If you've ever dealt with Scroller Ltd., you know one of the reasons why they are so successful—great service! And the root of great service is respect for each and every

customer. In their own words, "Our goal is to provide our customers with enjoyment and relaxation with our patterns. It's hard to describe what an unbelievable high it is to talk to people all over the country and have them tell you how much they enjoy your patterns and designs.

"Being a small part of someone's life, perhaps making a difference in how their day went, is an incredible feeling, and one we strive for every day."

Roy and Scott—we wish you all the success in the world!

For more information about Scroller's patterns, newsletter, and scroll sawing accessories, contact Roy and Scott at Scroller Ltd., 9033 South Nashville, Oak Lawn, IL 60453, (800) 486-6053.

What do these three baskets have in common? They are all tapered, a brand-new Scroller innovation. Also note the use of color on two of the baskets shown, a feat easily accomplished with the Testor's AirPainting system.