Creative Woodworks & crafts 1998-07, страница 55

Creative Woodworks & crafts 1998-07, страница 55

by Robert A. Becker

July, 1998

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Sheila Bergner has had a great impact on Creative Woodworks & Crafts in a very short period of time. Her first contribution to our magazine was to pain I "Lookout Canyon," a 3-D project from Scroller Ltd., that wound up on the front cover of the April '97 issue. The result? That issue of Creative Woodworks & Crafts outsold all olhers on the newsstand (in percentage of sale), and that record of distinction still stands today.

Anolher milestone for Sheila came about six months later, in September of 1997, when we published her "Nature's Way" plaque in our special collector's edition, Scroll World. This remarkable project was another collaboration with Scroller Ltd.—their pattern, Sheila's painting. As soon as we saw the completed project, we knew we had a winner. In fact, we tried very hard to get it on the cover of Scroll World, but wc were repeatedly rejected in this effort by our newsstand distribution company, who felt that the particular project made the issue look too much like a fishing magazine!

Even though "Nature's Way" was unable to grace Scroll World's front cover, it still had a major impact on woodcrafters everywhere. Rarely have wc seen so much interest in a project—letters, phone calls, comments, questions, all with great enthusiasm. Delta Technical Coatings, the paint manufacturer whose paints were used for "Nature's Way," also felt ihe excitement surrounding this project. In fact, Sheila has just completed a large (18" x 24") version of "Nature's Way/' which she is giving to Delta to thank them for all of their support.

There's lots more I could say about Sheila, but I think you'll enjoy getting to know her even more through her own words....

Sheila painted the cover project of the April 1997 Issue, which broke the newsstand sales record.

"The cover that never was," painted by Sheila.

Sheila painted the large (18" x 24") version of "Nature's Way" for Delta Technical Coatings, a big supporter of hers.