Creative Woodworks & crafts 2000-08, страница 28

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2000-08, страница 28

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Fig. 1. Sawing out the pieces of the clock,

W Patterns ' ^

Located in Full Size Pattern Section No. 2!

by John Nelson

sawn by Raymond Wilckens


Tools: scroll saw with assorted blades; drill with bits (including a No. 60 and 1-3/8"-Dia. Forstner bit); scratch awl; belt sander; hand held sander; planer Temporary-bond spray adhesive Sandpaper, assorted grits Craft knife Wood glue Large rubber bands Clamps

Double-faced carpet tape

Four 3/4" dia. wooden balls*** (for the feet)

Two small wood screws

Music movement (optional)*

3-3/8"-Dia. clock insert**

1-7/16"-Dia. thermometer insert**

Oil finish of choice

*Available from Swiss Music Box, LTD., P.O. Box 26063, Shawnee Mission, KS 66225-6063; (800) 255-0676. **Available from Steebar Corp. Part No. 0008FC includes one each of the thermometer and clock inserts. One set can be ordered for $18.65 (including S&H). two sets can be ordered for $31.35 (including S&H). Call (973) 383-1026. **'Available at local craft supply stores.


Getting started

When you copy the patterns for this project be aware that the size of the pattern may change, sometimes dramatically. It is especially important that the slots and tabs which join the various components fit together. To make sure they do, I made a gauge out of 3/16" stock to measure each slot. Attach the patterns to the wood using spray adhesive and cut all pieces.

First cut out the center section of the body (A) and middle rings (H) as shown in Fig. 1. Next, cut each slot to size, checking each one with the gauge as you move along. This makes for less sanding later. The ideal is an easy, but not sloppy, fit. Just keep in mind that it is much easier to take material off than it is to add it back on! Stack cut the middle rings and make sure to keep them oriented in the same direction as they were sawn by marking them with a small piece of masking tape. If these pieces get jumbled, assembly of the ribs (I) will be extremely difficult.

Be sure to pay close attention to the direction of grain when positioning the patterns. Notice the support (C); the grain in this piece is running vertically and thus has a tendency to break along the ocation of the slots if too much pressure is applied. Be careful with this piece during assembly, as it is the main part tying the clock together.

Note: the dimensions of the legs (N and O) at the inside shoulder along with the slot in the support (C) and the lower slot in the body (A), should all be the same distance from the bottom so that the front and rear shelves (F and G) will slide into the slots. Do not include the lower tabs measurement.

Once all pieces are cut, sand as. needed. Assemble following steps 1.-11. fi

continued on pnge 30 *
