Creative Woodworks & crafts 2000-11, страница 12

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2000-11, страница 12

Don't miss the next issue of Creative Woodworks and Craftsl

Publisher CEO

Cohen Darren S. Cohan

Vice President of Circulation & Marketing

Marie-Claire. Macdonald

Editorial Director

Robert Becker

Kditor Gearge Ahlers Associate Editor

Kathy Babinski

■Special Projects Editor

Ukv Demure.-it Scrolling Fill to is Dirk Boelmtm Marilyn Carmin Roy King Scott Kochc.ndorfc.r Rick Ltmgabaitgh Karen Ltmgabaugh John Nelson Raymond Wilckens Dan Wi/ckem Painting Editor Carving Editor

Sheila Uergner Ivan Whillock

Intarsia Editor Techniques Editor

Robert J. ftlavacek. Sr. Joe Hermann

m Craft this beautiful Honey Bco and Flower li from Garnet Hall!

Create the beautiful l ime Square Clock from John Nelson!

Art Director:

Kathleen Nosti Graphic Designers Kimberty Husar • Beverly Hen ' Deborah Mellinger Photographer Andy Chen Illustrator Web Developer

Robert Borkovski Natalie Rhine-smith

Scroll this Great Horned Owl from Liz of

Carolina Scrollworks!

Leam to realistically render wildlife with the Fox Mini Clock from Floyd Reynolds!


Sarah. Mathers- Weaver

Public Relations

Madeline S. Cohen.

{tender Service

Janice Webster (973) 383-8080

Advertising Manager

Lee Javsorski (973)383-1215

N ATI O N AI, A D Vf.RTIS J S.G S ALKS Robert Bcmb;icti, Advertising Representatives, Inc. 677 Commerce Street, Thorn wood, NY 10594 (914) 769-0051



To carry Creative Woodworks & CraftsS in your store, please write: All American Crafts, Inc. 243 Newton-Sparta Road • Newton. NJ 07860 _(973) 383-8080_

For subscription information, write to: Creative Woodworks &. Crafts® P.O. Box 518. Mt. Morris. 1L 61C54 1-800-877-5527 _Subscription rale: $41.93/7 issues_

If you would like to e-mail us, our address is editors (Swoodwork

Saw the whimsical Sailing the Globe Plaque from Matthew D. Romack!

You want more intarsia projects?! Try your hand at this challenging Boer Goal from Robert J. lllavacek Sr. of Wildlife Intarsia Designs'

This issue hits the newsstands November 14, 2000. Don't miss it!

Check us out online at

Published by All American Crafts, inc. PRESIDENT TREASURER

Jerry Cohen George Mavely

•SLCKKIARV Irving Spielberg

Note: in some of the Full Size Pattern Sections found in the last issue of Creative Woodworks and Crafts (October 2000), the Music Box lid pattern was inadvertently trimmed so that the scalloping on one edge is cut off. Tf you got one of those issues and want a complete pattern, we would be happy (o send you one at no cost. Simply contact our editorial office at 243 Newton-Sparta Road, Newton, NJ 07860, attention: George Ahlcrs.