Creative Woodworks & crafts 2002-09, страница 58

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2002-09, страница 58

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designed by Pom Hawkins of Walnut Hollow® and woodburned by Janet Wilhelm of Walnut Hollov}®

38 • Creative Woodworks 6. Crafts September 2002


Woodburning is an old artform that started with a hot poker and a blazing fire. How far we have come! Now we have a modern-day tool known as the Creative Woodburner® with specialized points and accessories which makes this craft easier and more creative.

Try this easy, lightly-detailed woodburned horse on a plate made of North American hardwood. You'll be delighted with the results!

Wood: I i .5 muiti-piy round plate* Tools: Creative Woodburner® with points** Sandpaper, fine grit

Oil coior pencils in the following shades: White, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Umber and Terra Cotfa*** Graphite transfer paper (12" x 24"}4*** SanfordPrismacoioi® colorless blender Tape Pliers Stylus Eraser

Satin spray varnish of choice

Available from Walnut Ho/low®, 1409 State Road 23, Dodgeville, Wl 53533-2112, 1-8G0-950-5101. *Order No. 23735, "Order No. 5580, ***OrderNo. 9924 (available as part of a 24-color pencil setJ, ****Order No. 1095


Sand the plate to a smooth finish using fine grit paper (see Fig. 1). Remove dust. Position the pattern in the center of the plate. Secure the pattern to the plate by taping down a portion of the pattern. Note: when cutting out the pattern, leave extra room on all sides to allow for taping pattern down to plate. Slide the transfer paper (carbon side down) under the pattern. Use a stylus or old ballpoint pen to trace the pattern onto the surface of the plate (see Fig. 2). Ensure that all pattern lines have been transferred (see Fig. 3). Insert the universal tip into the Creative Woodburner® and tighten with pliers. Plug in the woodburner. Note: make sure to read all on packaging and follow all safety measures prior to using this tool.

Woodburn the outline of the horse using light even strokes (see Fig. 4). You don't need to press hard, just let the woodburner glide along. When done, unplug the wood-burner and let it cool.

Remove the universal point and insert the shader, again tightening with pliers. Plug your woodburner back in and shade the darker areas, such as the eyes and nostrils.

Woodburn the outside rim of the plate to a dark hue (see Fig. 5) and lightly shade the front border of the plate, shading approximately 3/4" in from the rim. Unplug the wood-burner and allow it to cool.

Erase any visible graphite lines. Now it is time to add * color to the horse (see Fig. 6). Color the mane, the inside of the ears and the center of the face White. Follow up in these areas with a little shading of Terra Cotfa. Highlight the eyes White. The remainder of the face is a blending of Yellow Ochre, Burnt Umber and Terra Cotta. Tip: the colorless blender can be used anytime color is applied, to soften and blend.

Finally, apply two to three light coats of satin spray varnish, allowing ample drying time between coats. Enjoy! ^
