Creative Woodworks & crafts 2002-09, страница 57

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2002-09, страница 57


Drilling the Holes in the Golf Ball

Wood: plywood—one piecc 3/4" x 12" x 12" (for the jig base);

wood of choice—one picce 3" x 3" x 2" (tor the holding device) Tools: table saw or similar; drill press with l-3/8"-Dia. and

l-5/8"-Dia. Forstner bits Double sided cloth-backed tape



Copy the patterns and transfer them to the selected stock, attaching them with spray adhesive. Bore the l/4"-Dia. and 1/8"-Dia holes for the dowels as indicated on the patterns. Also, bore the hole for the pen in what will be the top of the club head. Note: match the diameter of the hole with the size of your pen. Bore the necessary holes in the golf ball (see the accompanying sidebar). Cut the pieces to shape. Thoroughly sand each piece and stain as desired. When dry, apply two coats of clear finish.

Referring to the Assembly Drawing, glue the pieces in place on the base. The golf ball and club head are attached with 1/4"-Dia. dowels. Glue the words in place as indicated on the pattern. The flag is mounted atop the l/8"-Dia. dowel, which is then inserted into the hole in the base. Install the clock movement and place your pen in the club head, then go hit the links! JS?

Insert the dowel into the flag

Insert dowel''-:': into club he^d]

1/6"-Pia. x & long dowel ^

1/4*-Pia. x 1/2" long dowel

Insert dowel. onto golf ball

Insert club head dowel into the base

1/4"-Dia. x 1/2' long dowel

Insert golf ball dowel into the base <

; ' •'• Jll

Insert flag dowel into base s. /


Assembly Drawing

Golf Ball Holding Jig

r;;y.; The key to this operation is having the correct jig to hold Ihe ball during : the drilling operation, the correct drill bit to perforin the operation, and 11 the correct type of golf ball to drill.

A Forstner bi! that has a continuous sharp edge around the perimeter of the bit (as opposed to the more common multi-tooth style) is essential to drilling a clean hole in the ball. The multi-tooth style will simply destroy the ball.

There are many different cores in golf balls. Those containing wound ||s rubber bands or liquid centers will not work here. You will need a ball j§» that has a solid core.

Hf The jig consists of a piece of 3/4" plywood to which one half of the •••holding device is fastened (see the Golf Ball Holding Jig drawing) The |ft holding device is a 3" square picce of wood with a l-5/8"-Dia. hole bored through its middle. This block is then sawn in half and ihe arc is J:';, sanded so that it will hold the ball securely.

"ifi The two picccs are clamped together with a spring clamp while the |p.'/ ball is being drilled. There is a l-3/8"-Dia. hole bored 3/8" deep into the gg center of the jig base. I'his serves two purposes: first, it allows you to jre-centcr the jig on the drill press if you decide to use it again; second,

•••.•• the rcccss stabilizes the ball while it is being drilled.


Drill the hall

Attach a piece of double sided clolh-backed tape in the arcs of the holding devicc to prevent the ball from rotating while drilling. Bore a I-•• 3/8"-Dia. hole 3/8" deep into the golf ball and sand the edges of the hole. The Golf Ball The ball is joined lo the base with a l/4"-Dia. dowel pin. The hole Holding Jig. . for this pin is drilled at a 45 degree angle lo Ihe hole for the clock face. It is a simple mailer to drill this hole with (he aid of the jig. jjrj>

Glue one half of the holding device to the jig base ^

N. N. Clamp the other half of

\Ythe golf ball holding device in place

Creative Woodworks S. Crafts September 2002 • 57