Creative Woodworks & crafts 2003-11, страница 37

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2003-11, страница 37


Tiger Clock

Pattern Located in Full Size Pattern Section No. 1!

by Joseph Preston of JO-LI Creations


•Wpod Boitc-birch-?one piece W or i/4"x 7-1/4" >9- (tor t.gerl: mahogany o; wood olcboicer-we oiece 3/4 x 8". x l a Jfor . . background] ; ■ . jbois: scroli-saw wjm.sto; 5 reverse.,footivblade-,: cWii>/ifh sirs; router vviln 1/4' toundover Hi drum sander (optional)

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Copy and transfer the patterns to the appropriate woods. Drill entry holes for saw blade. When cutting tiger, it is c good idea to start on the face and work your way out. The face becomes pretty flexible as waste is cut out. (Suggestion: after cutting waste around eyes, tape the waste back in until finished cutting. I didn't on the first one and broke off one of the eyes with my fingers while turning the wood to cut out another piece.)

Either drill out 2-l/8"-Dia. clock hole or cut out with a scroll saw. If cutting with scroll saw, cut just inside the line and sand with drum sander to fit clock.

Route along the top edge of the backer with the 1/4" roundover bit, or just hand sand to break the edge.

Sand both pieces and then glue tiger to backer. (Again, when sanding tiger, leave in eye waste, taped from back, so you don't break these pieces off.)

Sprcy with at least two coats of finish. After it has dried, install hanger and clock and hang up.

For questions concerning this project send an SASE to: Joseph Preston, 481 Waterbury Road, Nassau, NY 12123. Email: j?

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