Creative Woodworks & crafts 2005-06, страница 47

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2005-06, страница 47

Using the pcttern as a refcrcncc, dtill a hale Tor the turning pin through the side and lid of the box.

Gently pry the lid from the side of the box and discard the used carpet tape. Working on a flat surface, use an orbital sander to sand the top and bottom surfaces of the top, side and bottom pieces. Begin with 220-grit sandpaper and work your way to 600-grit paper, leaving a sctiny smooth finish.

I recommend that you hend iand the rouled edge on the lid in the direction of the wood grain, if needed.

Lay your pieces on a flat surface and use your vacuum with the handheld brush attachment to ccrefully remove all the dust particles from your picces.

Measure the 3/16"-Dia. dowel to the appropriate length to pass through the lid and also the side of the box. The dowel does not have la be the exact length of the side, and this ccn be an approximate measurement. Cut the dowel tod to size. Dry fit the dowel rod into the bole on the underside of the lid. Due to the variarce in sizes of dowel rods, it may be necessary to slightly sand the dowel rod to fit into the hole properly.

Placc c bead of glue clong Ihe bottom edge of the side piece and attach the bottom. Using several clamps, clamp into place, being sure to wipe off any glue that may have seeped out when you applied pressure to your clamps. Let dry.

When completely dry. fit the pir into the hole on the box side. Cnce again, I found that because of vcriariccs in the dowel-rod sizes, you may need to sand the dowel slightly to fit properly into the hole. You wanl to have a snug Fit, but not one so tight that you arc putting pressure on the dowel ecch time you turn the lid to open the box. When you are satisfied with the fit, lightly finish sard the bottom scorn to remove any haces ot glue that may have seeped out. Remove any dust.

Finishing the box

Spray several coats of finish on the box lid. Between applications, lightly sand the lid, then vacuLm with the soft brush to remove any dust. Spray or brush several c.oats of varnish onto the bottom and side assemblies, sanding lightly and dusting between coats. Note: I apply at least two coats of finish, either spray or brush on. and allow then to dry thoroughly before I sand. Then I sand after each subsequent coat. This gives me a good base and cllows the wood to absorb the finish and raise the grain initially, vyhen this is then sanded off, cach following coct is smoother than the preceding one.

For questions. concerning fh/s project, contact Sheila Bergner-t.anclry, (902) 245 5865. Email: Scroltgiri© ..

Apply a dot of good quality wood glue into the hole and insert the dowel. Allow to dry thoroughly or' overnight.

With the 3/16" bit in your drill press, turn the box upside down and set the depth of your drill press lo approximately 1/8" from the top of the table. Yolj will be drilling through the entire side of the box and only particlly into the bottom of the lid. DO NOT allow the drill bit to go through the top.

Create Wcoowci'ks S Crats June 2005 •