Creative Woodworks & crafts 2005-08, страница 56

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2005-08, страница 56

Pattern Located In Full Sue Pirtiefn Section No. 21

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by Damn Baldin


The unique ard beautiful art cf the native tribes of the Northwest Coast of North America inspired me to create this project. Documentation indicates the first settling of the native tribes dates bock lo 1200 A.D. With their many traditions and rituals, ceremonial dcnces were a very important part cf life. Masks were hand carved ard used to depici stories and spiritual beliefs. The headdress of the wolf, which symbolizes protection from sickress and evil, was worr by a tribe rricrri ber of status. The tribe member would call on the wolf spirit for his power during these rituals.

I found prepcring for this project to be both fcscinatirg and insightful. I was able lo learn about a unique artform ard its meaning. This gave rre the inspiration to research ard design my own wclf mask with an underetendirg of ils spiritual legend. I hope you enjoy creatirg il as much as I did.


Trim Ihe peper pattern, leaving about 1/8" around the perimeter. Apply spray adhesive end adhere the pattern to the wood.

56 • Creative Wnnrtmta S. Crefts August 20C'5

Drill starter holes in the waste areas tn be cut out