Popular Woodworking 2002-02 № 126, страница 91BENCH DEADMAN
□ 1 Dowel 5/8 dia. 5 TBE = TENON ON BOTH ENDS; SYP= SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE OR EQUIVALENT □ 1 Dowel 5/8 dia. 5 TBE = TENON ON BOTH ENDS; SYP= SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE OR EQUIVALENT Half-size plan of ledge 5 /8"dowel diameter holes through the part for the ledge. I bored two staggered rows of holes; each hole is 2" down from the one above it. The topmost hole is located so that when the ledge is in place in the deadman, it lines up with the rails on my face vise. Cut the h'Mong x h'-thick tenons on both ends of the dead-man. The tenons are slightly thinner than the width of the grooves they ride in. Now cut the dead-man to shape. The long edges are curved in 7/8" so they are easy to grasp when the deadman is resting against your bench's legs. Round over the long edges of the deadman to make it friendly to grasp. I used a 1/4" roundover bit 90 Popular Woodworking February 2002 |