Popular Woodworking 2004-11 № 144, страница 89

Popular Woodworking 2004-11 № 144, страница 89

The face of your table saw's fence must be 90° to the saw's tabletop. Otherwise your joinery and rip cuts will be inaccurate. On some fences, the only way to fix the problem is with some well-placed masking tape.


There are many things we do wrong but we don't know they're wrong.

In woodworking there are two kinds of mistakes: There's the garden-variety gaffe where we simply cut a board too short or botch a dimension, and the kind of mistake that we make over and over again because we don't even know we have a problem.

This second kind of mistake is usually the result of having to teach yourself some operation or skill. When you don't get the desired result shown in the book, magazine or video, it's easy to blame the equipment or your lack of skill. But usually there's something else going on that may be difficult or impossible for you to detect.

by the Popular Woodworking staff

Editors Christopher Schwarz, Robert W. Lang, David Thiel and Steve Shanesy all contributed their mistakes and solutions to this story.


Popular Woodworking November 2004