Popular Woodworking 2006-02 № 153, страница 60

Popular Woodworking 2006-02 № 153, страница 60

Out-of-the box chisels can derail your chances of tight dovetails. Improve almost any tool with these quick fixes.

■n my recent article on cutting [doVetails ("Your First Hand-cut Dovetails," February 2005) I stated that the process of creating this time-honored joint is simply sawing and chiseling to a line. And it is. But like any hand-tool process, you'll achieve the best results and greatest personal satisfaction if the

by Lonnie Bird

Lonnie is the author of "Taunton's Complete Illustrated Guide to Using Woodworking Tools" (The Taunton Press) and teaches woodworking. You can learn more about his classes online at lonniebird.com.

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