Popular Woodworking 2008-10 № 171, страница 43

Popular Woodworking 2008-10 № 171, страница 43


These mid-size sanders take on the brunt of our sanding chores. Find out what sets them apart.


.s wc prepared to test random-orbit sanders. we considered the vast number of tools available. In order to make the test manageable. wc decided to limit the test to vari-ablc-spccd tools with 5" pads.

The reason for sekcting tools with 5* pads is that most stores carry a wide variety of grits in that size. But why should you purchase a variable-speed sander versus a single-speed sander that costs a few dollars less? Where it helps, in our opinion, is when you have to deal with boards that arcnt exactly flat, such as where you've worked a glue scam with a scraper and ended up with a slight valley on

the surface. Asandcrcan move wildly as you traverse that valley. At highspccdsthc sander has the potential to'walk'andcreatc sanding scratches that require additional attention. Slower speeds allow more control.

Next, we envisioned anartklc full of charts demonstrating how different these sanders arc. But as testing began, wc discovered that each sanders does the job it is supposed to do. Lach one sands.1 surface smooth and flat without leaving huge swirls.

What we found to be the most important aspects of these sanders were attributes that do differentiate the tools: How the tool fus your