Popular Woodworking 2008-10 № 171, страница 45

Popular Woodworking 2008-10 № 171, страница 45


Bosch ROS20VSK

The sander gyrates when in use and leek wobbly to the hand. This action could become irritating after prolonged work. The dust receptacle is of a twist-off design utilizing a see-through canister. Dust collection is adequate with residual dust accumulatingaround the pad and at the bottom of the canister. This tool is set up to use a I" hose for an external vacuum. Included with the kit is an adapter to use a 1 Vj" hose. The speed-adjustment knob is loc ated at the back of the handk* nuking adjustment a two-handed effort and not accomplished on the fly. The sanding pad is dense for improved flit sanding but contour sanding would be less effective.

Craftsman 11218

With the largest orbit diameter in the test, the Oaftsman sander has a tendency to walk - as you move your hand pressure from side to side, the tool moves in that direction and that increases the likelihood oi additional scratch marks as well as escalating sanding time. The dust collection cloth bag fits over a lightweight plastic frame and is attached to the sander with a press-fit. There is no O-ring or gasket to tighten that fit. As a result, there is a noticeable colkction erf sanding dust along the tool's base just above the pad. bul the svorkpiece was mostly free from residual dust. This sander is aggressive and ranked second in stock removal. It is the least expensive tool in the test.

DeWalt D26453

Control of this sander was a bit jumpy as you extend past the edge of your work piece, but was markedly smooth when sanding flat areas. The grip of the tool is comfortable and rated aliove average lor the test, but additional rulther instead of a textured body would l>e beneficial. Dust collection is good w ith a small accumulation at the front of the tool. The cloth dust bag displays little residual dust on the outside, and the woikpiece is clean too. A nice feature of this tool is the soft start that reduces the chances of your gouging the surface as you begin sanding. DeWah has built-in a vacuum adapter for external vacuum use. Tsvo hose coupling sizes are available by simply removing the bag.

Festool ETS125

This sander is a fine finish sander that we would happily turn to if we needed a surface polished. Due to its small orbit diameter and its less aggressive stock removal, we wouldn't choose this tool for our everyday sanding requirements. This is a smooth running tool. The comfort vvhik* sanding, as well as the control. are top notch - rated the best of the sanders in our test - but one complaint is the lack of softer rubber on the tool's handle. Dust collection, without the use of an external vacuum, is better than average, but using paper bags as a dust collection-reccptacIc Is something we would take a pass on. This sander is the most expensive in our test.

Hitachi svi3YA

As you work, control of this sander is relatively smooth, although there is a bit of wobble. Our biggest concerns with the SV13YA are the on'off switch and the dust collection. We found the switch difficult to operate with a single finger. I litachi could improve this tool by simply changing to a rocker-sty k switch. Dust colkction rates at the bottom in our test primarily due to the doth dust bag and the press-on fit of the bag's frame. Residual dust collects on the bag and on the tool and is evident on the vvorkpiccc as well. Also, the inability to connect an external vacuum to this tool in any way (due to the shape of the port) is cause for concern.

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