Popular Woodworking 2009-08 № 177, страница 18

Popular Woodworking 2009-08 № 177, страница 18

walnut for my frame. The four frame pieces are milled to size and thickness according to the sizes at right, and the shape of each template is transferred to the appropriate pieces of stock

Cut as much ofthe joinery as possible while the piecesare sLraightand square, and start with t he stopped rabbets t hat house Lhe mirror orart work.

The jigsaw Puzzle

Although the jigsaw-puzzle jointappears to be complicated, it's acmally nothing more than a fancy lap joint. To make the joint, begi n by removing the waste material on I he underside of the stile.

The stiles are then cut to the final shape at

abandsaw.Use double-sided tape to attach the template, then trim the stiles usinga flush trim bit at the router table. Or use a spindle sander to sand to the lines.

The puzzle piece cannot be cut with a flush trim bit or with power sanding. Just as wiLh the template, this area will have to be rough-cuLon the band saw or scroll saw, then finished by hand.

I use various tools for the fine work including files, rasps, chisels and a few d if-ferent shop-made sandingimplements. Fortunately, the two puzzle areas ofthe frame don't have to be identical in order to look right. I feel justified in sayingthis because on the original, they were not identical.

The next step is tocreale the inlaid por-

6 Sneaky

work. After the bulk ofthe waste is routed from the layout, work with different profiled carving tools to achieve a perfect, tight fit.

4 Puzzling. Smoothing the jigsaw-puzzle joint at the bottom _ of the side proved to be tricky. Sandpaper wrapped around a Vtt," dowel made life much easier.

1 square =1" I

Bottom rail: V x 3'/i6" x 22'ii"


5 Stick and (race. Use

small pieces of double-sided tape to bold the stiles secure as you scribe the profile on the frame bottom.

7 AH the same depth. Even though the parts to the frame vary in thickness, the rabbets are cut to match. Because of tha t, the stiles sit proud of the bottom rail and the top rail is proud of the stiles.

2 On the level. The joint that connects the stiles to the bottom rail requires the waste material be removed to the level of the rabbets. A miter gauge and a square-tithed blade made quick work of the job.

^ A tight spot. To cut inside

t fie puzzle design is tedious on a band saw and best done with a scrollsaw.

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