62 - Box Joint Jig, страница 3

62 - Box Joint Jig, страница 3



Box Joint Jig.

Unlike most box joint jigs, this one uses runners in both miter slots to make an extremely smooth-working jig. And replaceable fences allow you to make different size box joints without having to "retune" the fit.

Making 3ox Joints_10

You can't help but appreciate the craftsmanship of precision box joints. Learn how easy it is to make them with our simple step-by-step approach.

Carpenter's Toolbox_14

With its classic lines, solid wood construction, and strong box joints, this carpenter's toolbox will be around to use (and admire) for generations to come. It also features a removable tray for organizing small tools and hardware.

r- Great Glue-Ups _20

There's more to creating a wide, solid-wood panel than just gluing a bunch of boards together. Learn the step-by-step process we use to glue up panels that look great and stay flat.

Clamping Station_24

Glue up a panel without taking up valuable bench space? And without pipe clamps? This shop-built station makes it possible.


Readers' Tips

Shop-tested tips to solve common woodworking problems.

Shop Talk_32

We share the "secrets" used in our shop for creating a smooth, even profile with a router bit and a hand-held router.

Tool Chest_34

Unconventional design, great results. Find out about an unusual bit that cuts perfect countersinks in wood or metal.


Mail-order sources and supplies to help you complete the projects featured in this issue.

No. 62 ShopNotes 3

Clamping Station page 2J+ 3

Box Joint Jig

Carpenter's Toolbox

page 6

page lk