62 - Box Joint Jig, страница 4TIPS & TECHNIQUES Readers' TipsToggle 3olt Hold-Downe_A Hold-Downs. The toggle bolts used for these shop-made hold-downs can be found at a local hardware store. ■ My portable workbench gets pressed into service as a stand for several of my benchtop tools. But instead of breaking out the clamps every time I want to attach a tool to the workbench, I came up with a shop-made hold-down. Ifs faster and easier to use than clamps, and it can be made from a few pieces of commonly available hardware and a wood dowel. The hold-downs are made using a W toggle bolt, a washer, and a wing nut, see detail drawing at right The toggle bolt has a couple of wings that fold up, allowing it be inserted through the holes in the top of the workbench. Once the wings pass through the hole, they spring open. To keep the toggle bolts centered in the holes of the workbench, I made some spacers for the bolts by drilling W'-dia. holes through short lengths of W'-dia. dowel stock. The bolts pass through a plywood base on which the tool is mounted. All you have to do is tighten the wing nuts to hold the tool down to the top of the workbench. Dana Craig Norwood, Massachusetts ~T?vy . W SPACER DOWEL) BENCH BOLT SECOND: INSERT TOGGLE BOLT THROUGH HOLE IN TOP OF WORKBENCH WING NUT WASHER ?egboard £5it HolderVPEGBOARD (5'/2" x W) r SPACERS (V2" x Vz" x 7V2") " BOTTOM (Va" HARDBOARD. 5Vz" x 7V2") NOTE: USE SEVERAL BITS TO KEEP PEGBOARD LAYERS ALIGNED DURING ASSEMBLY 4 ShopNotes No. 62 decided to put it to good use by making a router bit holder for one of the drawers of the cabinet. The bit holder can also sit on top of a shelf or workbench for easier access. To make the holder, I simply cut a couple of pieces of the 'A" pegboard to fit inside the drawer. Then I glued a pair of spacers in between the peg-board layers, taking care to keep the holes lined up, see drawing at right. Finally, I glued a piece of Vs" hard-board to the bottom. The holes in the pegboard are just the right size for my W-dia. router bits, see detail drawing at right. Deborah Vogt Douglas, Alaska ■ I built the Sliding-Door Wall Cabinet in issue No. 59. Since I had some pegboard left over from making the back of the cabinet, I |