82 - The Complete Miter Saw Workstation, страница 3

82 - The Complete Miter Saw Workstation, страница 3

hands-on technique

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Cord Reels_46

The solution to getting power to your tools and storing extension cords is a cord reel.

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Hoist systems are a great way to make use of the ceiling space in your garage.


Sources 51


Rules. As woodworker's we learn early k on to follow the rules. Especially when it comes to working with power tools. And for good reason — power tools can be dangerous. So we develop a general set of rules for using them to get good results safely

Take the router for example. One of the first rules you learn is which direction to rout — always move the router so you're pushing the bit into the workpiece. This way as the bit digs into the wood, the router is pulled tight to the edge of the workpiece.

Routing in the opposite direction (back-routing) goes against the rule. So it must be wrong — right?

Well, not always. There are a few times when routing the "wrong" way can give you better results. When you backrout, the bit and the router are moving in the same direction, which can help eliminate chipout. However, the router may seem hard to control because the bit wants to skip along the edge of the workpiece.

Now this may sound a bit awkward and a little risky, but the fact is, you can backrout safely — if you follow a few simple rules. (It seems that even when you break the rules there are still rules to follow.)

To get the complete story on when to backrout and the techniques for doing it safely, check out the article that begins on page 8.

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Miter Saw Workcenter
