Woodworker's Journal 1982-6-5, страница 6>000000 0000001 ooooot* loooooooi oooooooo IOOOOOOOI Letters Easy-To-Make Wood Toys jjc Largest selection of wood toy patterns^ More than 300 designs to choose from . .. Large 22 x 32" pattern spages. full size drawings, step-by-step instructions. For ten years, the leader in wood toy design and toy parts. "N" Vehicle Series Simple, quick-to-make cars, truck, trains & planes. Use "IVi" wheels. N15: Steam locomotive with 4_cars. N19: 8 Crazy Clunkers N20: 7 Crazy Clunkers N21: 3 1901-10 classic cars (not pictured) N22: 1907 classic cars N24: 1907-16 classic trucks (not pictured) N25: 2 1922-27 classic trucks A" Puzzle Series Simple beginning, stand-up puzzle/ push toy projects. Use 23/4" wheels. A4: 6 Farm Animals (not pictured) A5:4 Children's Toys AA8. 6 Wild Animals (not pictured) _A9:5 Shy Dinosaurs A17: 3 Fun Animals A19jLooney Birds "F" Steam Train Series A large 14" locomotive/a perfect heirloom gift. Use the 23/4" wheels^ F1: Locomotive with 4 cars. F2: Crane, passenger, gondola cars F3: Zoo, auto transport cars VISA/MASTERCARD orders, please include the card number with expiration date and signature. Catalog FREE with any order, catalog alone $ . FREE with Every Order jl* the 24 pg book: jl* rl* Grampa's Secrets to making wood toys with hand tools. The Toymaker Supply Company *a ^W-Built Company Dept. J9 Tahoe City CA 95730-5459 Circle your pattern choices, $3 each ppd A4 A5 A8 A9 A17 A19 N1 5 N19 N20 N21 N22 N24 N25 F1 F2 F3 Name_ Address_ City_ State_Zip Phone #_ □ People □ IV2" wheels 20/pkg $3.50 ppd 4/pkg $1 .40 ppd □ 23A" wheels 4/pkg S3.40 ppd I am in the process of making a roll-top desk and will soon be tackling the tambour. Can you tell me what is the best glue to use in order to attach the slats to the canvas? Is the canvas available at art supply stores suitable for this? Charles Dugas, Opelousas, LA Aliphatic resin (often called yellow glue) is a good glue for securing wood tambours to canvas. It's sold under several trade names, the two most common being Titebond and Elmer's Carpenter's Glue. Artist's canvas of about 10 ounces in weight is a good choice for a roll-top. It's available at most art supply stores. Can you tell me where I can purchase 3/s inch diameter walnut dowels? Robert E. Gillenwater, Jerseyville, IL Walnut (and oak) dowels in 36 inch lengths are sold by the company Woodworks, 4013 Clay Ave., Suite A, Fort Worth, TX 76117. Diameters range from 'A to 1 inch, and include Vs inch. Send 25* for a copy of their current catalog. I am trying to get a set of plans so I can build a 3 or 4 inch belt sander. Can you help? Darrel Richardson, Peotone, IL Plans for a 6 inch stationary belt sander are available from Gilliom Manufacturing Inc., 1109 North Second Street, St. Charles, MO 63301. Price is $4.00 plus $1.00 for first-class postage. Editor's Note: Readers in the Milwaukee area will be interested to learn of the Wisconsin Woodworkers' Guild. According to the guild's president, Frank S. Obremski, the organization was formed in order to "disseminate as much information as possible on all aspects of woodworking, through lectures, demonstrations, seminars, exhibits and, when possible, workshops". Any woodworker in the Milwaukee area, from beginner through profes- (continued on page 8) |