Woodworker's Journal 1983-7-3, страница 11


Expand your woodworking skills

with these exciting new projects!


Editors of Deco-Plans, Inc.

Here are over 200 projects that are fun to build and a pleasure to own— complete with all the information you need on tools and materials. Projects include kitchen fixtures, bars-benches-tables, desks, planters, music centers, children's toys and storage units, bookcases, house decors, and outdoor fixtures. You're provided with a detailed shop guide—covering all aspects of carpentry—as well as step-by-step instructions, material lists, and hundreds of line drawings. 358 pp.. 83U xll. illus., $24 95


Popular Science Books

Dozens of imaginative woodworking projects include a wealth of practical guidance on remodeling, wiring, plumbing, and building shortcuts. You II find out how to make everything from a simple fold-up stool to a solar collector. Complete with color photographs, drawings, and material lists, this how-to manual includes such projects as a home computer center. greenhouse, sewing center, and rolltop desk. Finishing techniques, too! innovations, and tips on buying lumber are also provided. 181 pp.. 8x11, illus . $16.95


Edgar Randall Beard

Find out how to save time and material when working with wood, without sacrificing quality A master woodworker shares 40 years worth of 'tricks' he has learned in skillfully making everything from a cabinet door to a classical guitar. You'll find practical guidelines on selection, measuring, and marking wood, as well as crystal-clear directions on how to use the lathe, chisel handsaw, mill, router, and other power and hand tools. You'll even see how to economically make tools out of junk parts. 160 pp . 8'hx 11. illus., $17.95


J ere Cary

Takes you step by step through every stage of kitchen cabinetmaking— from layout, estimating, and choosing materials through construction, finishing, and installation. You'll gain all the guidance you need to make attractive yet functional kitchen fixtures. Nearly 200 line drawings accompany the directions, and an appendix of appliance sizes is included. 168 pp.. Tkx 10. illus., $11.95 paper. f\ Taunton Press Book


Bruce Miller and Jim Widess

Discover the keys to turning old, broken furniture into treasured antiques. Coverage of both standard and rare cane patterns includes how to work with wicker, rattan, rawhide, and Danish cane materials. You'll find photographs that illustrate numerous caning techniques plus Information-packed charts on how much fiber to buy, how to determine the size you need, and standard lengths and widths. 144 pp., S'li x 11, i/lus,, $24.95



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If you thought "Swiss-Precision" could only be found in watchmaking, then you don't know about our power tools.

Only you know how good your tools hove to be. When il comes to woodworking machinery, they should be better than you are — ever if you're already on accomplished craftsman. Therefore, you owe it to yourself to learn more about our Swiss-made line of INCA stationary power tools which we sell throughout these 50 stoles.

Take the 10" Cabinetmaker's Saw, for example. Il has o 20mm (25/32") arbor at the blade for strength and rigidity where it counts. The table castings ore tough, precision milled alloys and the guide roils are aircrofl quality extrusions. All the major rotating ports are dynamically balanced. The bottom line is a machine thai takes higher loadings and gives you less vibration with a truer running saw blade,

l( fact, every one of our INCA sows. [Ointers, planers and shapers are built to quality standards which ore becoming increasingly hard to find in thiscountry. That's bee o use they're made with Ihe same pride of workmanship as the Swiss pul into their

Our catalog is a good place to begin your comparisons. \ We want you to be as good as you con get.

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