Woodworker's Journal 1983-7-4, страница 23case the waste piece is quite wide so you will want to use a wide chisel for most of the work. Clamp the pin board to the bench face side down, and use a sharp knife to score the original pencil line at the base of the waste (don't score across the pin bases). Take care to cut right on the line, then with the bevel of the blade down, use a chisel to make a V-cut into the line (Fig. 7 A&B). This prevents the grain from splintering out behind the line. the handle slightiy toward the board end. This slight angle of the blade will form an undercut which will insure that the joint pulls up tight (Fig. 8). A few taps of the mallet are sufficient to start. The chisel is then brought around and placed flat side up against the end grain. A few light blows will lift the chips out (Fig. 9). This process is repeated until you've gone halfway through the thickness of the board. Then the board is flipped over, ciamped and the process is repeated on the other side, cutting first into the face in an undercut followed by cutting into the end grain. When finished, the base of the socket should (continued on next page) Wood Toy Steam Train Pattern $6 ppd )} 22 x 32" peges of full size drawings and step-by-step instructions. 14" locomotive, plus tender, freight, flat bed. caboose, crane, passenger & gondola cars Catalog showing largest selection of toy patterns^'parts free with order. SI alone The Toymaker Supply Co. Dept J 7 Tahoe City. CA 95730 5459 J NATIVE AMERICAN HARDWOODS WALNUT, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY CURLY & BIRD'S-EYE MAPLE Most Other Domestic Woods ■ EXTRA WIDE/EXTRA THICK STOCK • TURNING SQUARES/BLOCKS ■QUARTEBSAWN/BOOKMATCHEO LUMBER ■ SPALTED LUMBER/BLOCKS •THIN STOCK NO MINIMUM • FLOORING/PANELING WHOLESALE & RETAIL Comprehensive Listing-Si iRtfun<iahi<||716| 942-6631 NATIVE AMERICAN HARDWOODS LTD. R1, W. VALLEY, N.Y. 14171 Make it a lTuUCita. M.kl A,||i 14 . PI,.,,,', $1199,00 Free Delivery (limiled supply) Full refund if nol satisfied. Informaiion $1.00 MAKITA - HITACHI - ROCKWELL - JET l»l*C SHOP PO Box 721 Elmhurst. IL 60126 312/832-3803 POOL TABLE PLANS BUILD YOUR OWN r,om PLANS* KITS SAVE MONEY by building your own pool lable YOU luppir Ihe craftsmanship we supply the plans and pool table parts YOUR tab!* can be buil! with deep pockets or a bill f«4urn COMPLETE PLANS include drawings, (tistrucnons. spfcilicaiions, Etc and inloirtwlion on puces ol hits for the pool table pans (cushions, cloih, poctols, ate] START TODAY' SEND S9 95 to> pla«i Mumted TIERCRAFT. Dept. E. Box BtS1. Erie. Pa. I6S0S Sleeveless DRUM SANDER ririong $13.50 2"i(3long SI4.60 2V1-K3" long S1SJ5 3"x3*....................................Jt6 50 t" Find 2Vi ABOVE 326.75 ABOVE 4 DRUMS 153 50 V,-i(3-long 114 50 ZVi**4'Vtnng . J21.00 3"i4ft" long $22.50 ZVi'x6*long (25.50 3**6" long S27 50 Add S2.S0 Per Order Far Shipping NO PRE-MADE SLEEVES TO SUV ECONOMICAL Simply Cut jandpar.lrr tram standard 1124 ihMtl UNIQUE *ay at holding paper to drum 'nil' ol key Tightens SPONGE ftUBBER Caching 1 sum 10*10 wear ol paper USE ON Dr,lr Pwi Small Molot laths Drill FITTINGS AVAILABLE-MONEY BACK ft* Bore wilh ft" or Vi " ad apis [ GUARANTEE '/i-20 R H Thread Bicept * <3" Bore except " 13* and 2" Send Check or Money Order SINGLEY SPECIALTY CO. INC. P.O. Bon 5087-J Greensboro. N.C. 27(03 l^/J gJ A I .'OW( Tl KX'lsc he _____JSt Movement The M81A is a powerhouse clock movement! The continuous drive mechanism converts the battery's electrical energy more dtrecTIv in an even flow of power which delivers five times as much torque as ihe step second movements. BY ANY STANDARD OF COMPARISON THIS IS THE SUPERLATIVE MOVEMENT. TWO CENTER POST SIZES—Order M81 ALCP fur slabs 5/16" to %". MS 1A for dials up to "-i" thick. Two Year Guarantee. Second hand advances con tinuousty Accurate withrn one minute per year (59 to 77°l Operational Range 14°f to 122 F Slide suvitcn for enact to the second setting. Movement si.Fe 72x62x28mm (2 13/16x2-7/16x1/16"), Runs over a year on a standard "C" cell, 2 veers on alkat,ne Surplus ot torque for targe wall clocks. Surplus ot torque for targe wall clocks.
Pnr.es include hands, nuts, and hangers Add .25 each (or second tiands. Add S2 00 per order lor Shipping to 4S states Catalog 183 shovvs Quart; Pendulum and Strike Movements, Hands. Dials, Numerals, etc. Cost SI 50, or FREE on request with order lor movements. Cas-fer Co. P.O. BOX 2347. DRAWKR B CINCINNATI. OHIO 4S201 T£L: (513) 24I-707S |