Woodworker's Journal 1984-8-2, страница 6



This is a short addendum to your article on doweling in the January/ February 1984 issue. If your dowels are always slightly larger than the drilled holes, try using the following drill sizes to save yourself from sanding and frustration. For V* in. dowels, use a 17/64 in, drill bit, for Vs in. use a 25/64 in. bit, and for 7/16 in. use a 15/32 in. bit. I have used this system for many years and always have a perfect dowel fit.

James Thomson, Lake Park, Fla.

I picked up a copy of your November/December 1982 issue and noticed the tip on driving rosan nuts with a stove bolt and screwdriver. Because of the torque requirements, I prefer to use a hex head bolt and drive it with a hex-socket and ratchet wrench. I also find it helpful to first lubricate the hole with Danish oil.

Richard C. Wollt, Andover, Minn.

After constructing several of the veneer bracelets featured in your January/February 1984 issue, I have found what I believe is a novel way to speed up the process. One of the longest steps in the construction is the drying of the wet veneer around the wood form (Ed. note: Step 3 in the process shown on page 47). 1 have speeded this step to about 15 min. by using the family microwave oven. After securing the veneer to the form with masking tape, 1 put the assembly into the microwave oven for 10 to 15 minutes. It comes out hot, but quite dry. Since the microwave oven heats the water in a material rather than the material itself, there is little danger of scorching or igniting the wood.

Since food is also prepared in the oven, care should be taken to never put in anything that would emit toxic fumes or leave behind toxic residues. Also, no metal should be used to secure the veneer to the form.

Tom Peters, Midland, Mich.

My local Japanese motorcycle dealer has become a source for free mahogany plywood and square solid stock. The motorcycles come packed in crates made from this material, and the dealer in my area is happy to get rid of it. The V» in. and Vi in. thick plywood is great for drawer bottoms or as backing for mirrors and pictures. I use the square stock for lathe-turning and for making all kinds of small projects.

Harry Moore, Mt. Dora, Fla.

I'm looking for the decorative screws used with cheval type (swivel) mirrors.

Howard C, Atkinson, Boulder, Colo.

Swivel mirror screws are sold by The Woodworkers' Store, 21801 Industrial Blvd.. Rogers, MN 55374. Current price is $8.95 per pair.


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