Woodworker's Journal 1984-8-2, страница 9menu for the week. Imagination can be your guide. The magnets are from the bottom of an old shower curtain. Custom-cut whiteboard with celotex-like backing is available from TR1-ADCO, 5712 W. Maryland Ave., Glendale, AZ 85301. The support hinges are the same described in your article. Norman T. Templeton, Phoenix, Ariz, Odds and Ends Bowling Green State University and the DeVilbiss Co. will hold a Spray Finishing Technology Workshop on May 14 - 18, 1984. Featured will be sessions on equipment and material selection, and spray finishing techniques associated with automotive re-fmishing, furniture, and industrial spraying. Power coating, automatic spraying and plural components will be included. Each participant will have an opportunity for "hands on" practice. The workshop is under the direction of Dr. Richard A. Kruppa, Professor of Manufacturing Technology, School of Technology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403. For additional information, contact Ms. Judy Jennings, (419) 3722436 or write to the above address. Editor's Note: Apparently there are a lot of old woodworking machines still sitting in workshops, because we sure hear from a lot of readers who are looking for out-of-date owner 's manuals and parts lists. With the current price and dubious quality of many of the woodworking machines made today, it certainly makes good sense to try and keep a veteran machine running. Each issue, we try to list some of these requests, and ask our readers if they can help. Here's our list for this issue: I would be grateful to any fellow woodworker who could send me a copy of the manual for a Sears table saw-No. 103.22170. I'm willing to pay for the copy. Lawrence Deems 620 Welty St. Greensburg, PA 15601 1 recently acquired a Craftsman 10 in. table saw No. 113.27520. I "Anew and outstanding do-it- yourself home workshop projects book. MOTHTk'S projects fWiFw I 101 WORKSHOP PROIECTS by the staff of THE MOTHER EARTH NEWS' (THE MOTHER EARTH NEWS, Inc.) Here's an essential book containing the best home workshop and handicraft projects ever published in THE MOTHER EARTH NEWS'- magazine. It's fiill of practical, useful, and decorative things for the expert and the beginner to build at home. Detailed instructions are given for constructing tables, workbenches, thests, wooden toys, games, musical instruments, solar window greenhouses, outdoor furniture, and dozens more items thai will provide enjoyment. 208 pages. Paperback. 66232 514.95 cy\IOTHERS BOOKSHELF Dept. 240904 105 Stoney Mountain Road Hendersonvillc, N.C. 28791 To order, use the coupon or catll us Toll Free at 800.' 438-0238 (N.C. residents cjll 704 f 693-0238). Please send me_copies of 101 WORKSHOP PROJECTS (66252) at 114.95 each Enclosed is i:r- check or money order including shipping and handling (51.25 for I or 2 books). N.C residents acid 4-1/2% sales tax. Add a 15% surcharge if remitting in Canadian funds, except for charge card orders. Or charge my [I MasterCard _. VISA. Credit Card No._ Card Expiration Date_ Signature_ Name_____________ Address _______ City_ State MOTHER'S BOOKSHELF1 g 105 Stoney Mountain Road § Hendersonvillc, N.C. 28791 X We mill refund your money on any book returned undamaged wiihin Hi days. Yout bnotcs will be chipped within 72 hours after your order arrives Kuril Crafted D«k hy ""I"' line Jolmery. TUNG OIL with URETHANE for greater durability Deft, Inc., Irvine, CA 92714. Alliance, ON 44601. BRIDGEWOOD SPA18A SURFACING AND PROFILE PLANER/MOULDER 1B" * 9" CAPACITY 6" x 6" CAPACITY WITH MOTOR $2,995.00 |WMC] FREIGH™ SEND $1.00 FOR CATALOG WILKE MACHINERY CO. S.W. Corner Exit 111-83 120 Derry Ct., R.D. #5, York, PA174Q2 Phone (717) 846-2800 |