Woodworker's Journal 1984-8-2, страница 8




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Purpleheart wood oxidizes naturally to a purple, almost lavender, color. After turning and sanding smooth a

1 in. x 3/16 in. purpleheart wood steering wheel for a small truck, I increased the lathe speed and applied 000 steel wool under pressure to the edge of the wheel. The resulting friction produced rapid oxidization and a shiny, almost black, edge on the wheel. Using purpleheart and proper spindle speed, it should be possible to make a very realistic looking set of tires (1V4 to

2 in.) for wood toys. Use caution when applying the steel wool to the turning. I roll it up into a tight ball to prevent it from being wrapped around the spindle. Also, rapid oxidization (fire) produces smoke, so adequate ventilation is necessary.

Paul O'Brien, E. Weymouth, Mass.

Editor's Note: In last issue's cabinetmakers ' Supplies column, we included a listing of companies that sell woodworking tools and supplies via mail order. In it, we forgot to include Shop-smith's Better Woodworking Catalog and Guide. It's a 56 page catalog that includes hand tools, power tools, stationary equipment, and finishing supplies. For a copy of the catalog, send SI.00 to Shopsmith, Inc., 6640 PoeAve., Dayton, OH 45414-2591.

The Wall Secretary in your November/December 1983 issue was a solution to the clutter that surrounds the kitchen wall phone. 1 made a significant departure in size and interior arrangement, but your article was the inspiration that got me going. All major pieces are of 3A in. alder. To get the correct height to accomodate standing telephone books (11 '/j in.), it was necessary to butt join two pieces for the desk lid. The 7Vi in. depth of the unit is a function of sufficient angle to keep the lid closed without a catch and sufficient clearance at the top for the Vi in. thickness of the telephone book. This depth and angle will vary according to the size of the phone books to be stored in the secretary. Overall width of the unit is 20 in. and I used the utility drawer construction described in the same issue. Two round head screws in the frame, under the bottom of the drawer lip, catch the back of the drawer before it is pulled all the way out. A magnetic whiteboard is great for notes to the family,

