Woodworker's Journal 1985-9-1, страница 8


You can buy

a cheaper blade than DML... and that's iust

what you' get






Hardboard. Plastics. And soft metals. Blades of heat-treated tool steel. Dressed to industrial standards, tipped with premium carbide, diamond honed, precision balanced and ten-sioned. Over 250 in all. In a whole slew of sizes and configurations, to fit your portable and stationary equipment. Industrial quality saw blades, matched to your exact cutting needs.

In sum, DML believes in giving you the right saw blade for your work. And for a fair price. You see, we're a bit suspicious of a saw that's always marked down by its manufacturer. Maybe you should be, too.

For more information or the distributor nearest you, write DML, Inc., 1350 S. 15th Street, Louisville, KY 40210

DML, also, runs the occasional promotion. But we feel we should give you more than just dollar inducements. And we do.

DML offers you a saw for your

Cost counts when you buy blades — and DML is the last to deny that fact. A sharp buyer always looks for the best saw for his money. But wait a moment before you plunk down your dollar. Realistically, do you know your seller and his wares? Are his prices always the best? Is he always promoting some sort of discount? Don't you wonder . . . why?