Woodworker's Journal 1985-9-2, страница 42


A toy tool box with make-believe wooden tools may not look like much to adults, but don't try to tell that to the little girl or boy who will become the proud owner of this set.

To build the box and tools you will need V* in. pine, Vi in. plywood, and four different sizes of dowel stock: Vi in., Vt in., 1 in., and IVi in. Parts A, Q, and R are V* in. thick. Resaw V* in. stock to make parts B, G, and H, and use Vi in. plywood for parts C, E, and F.

Assemble the tool box as shown, rabbeting the base into the sides, and securing the ends with Vi in. dowels. The Vs in. by Va in. groove in the ends is for decoration.

Make the tools as illustrated. Note that all dowel parts are inset Vi in. To make the peg (part S) for the hand drill, simply whittle down a section of Vi in. dowel stock.

Glue all parts securely, carefully sand out any rough areas, and soften all sharp edges. We recommend leaving the wood in its natural unfinished