Woodworker's Journal 1992-16-6, страница 31


Photo 8: Sketch in the rest of the folds. Photo II: Set in the folds.

Photo 10; Redraw the folds.

folds to the outer edge, leaving the outer edge raised '/* in. above the background (Photo 9). This step helps to create the illusion of folded eloth by making the outer folds appear to be behind the inner ones.

Redraw the fold lines which were \ovtfmber/Deci.niher l'W2

carved off when you shaped the bevel (Photo 10).

Using a gouge that matches the shape of the curved lines, make a series tif vertical cuts along the edges of the folds (Photo II). On this particular design I used a 14mm no. 7 gouge and an 18mm no. 7 gouge. Make the cuts about 'n. deep, angling ihem hack slightly so that the edges will be undercut. This helps to create the effect of thin folds of cloth.

Next, cut in horizontally from the end to remove the waste wood using a 6mm no. 3 gouge (Photo 12). Work carefully to avoid splitting the wood; don't try to remove too much wood with one cut.

To detail the end scrolls, set in a vertical cut with a 6mm no. I firmer (flat) gouge (Photo 13). Clear away the background with a 4mm no. 7 gouge (Photo 14). A small spoon bent skew chisel, like a 4mm. is also helpful to clear away wood in narrow, tight cor-

Santa Hardware Parts

This package contains the corncob pipe bowl and stem, lamp socket. 6-foot cord with orVoff switch, plug, flicker but), precut Meny Christmas banner, and a white pom pom. Project plan, pamt and remaining plywood are not inducted.

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9 corncob pipe

The corncob pipe

I actually lights up with an electric flicker buib' Santa is easy lo make from 1/2 inch plywood Body is 15 inches tall. Plan includes FULL SIZE patterns and instructions Order hardware parts below. #W754 Santa Plan-..................J6.99/EA