Woodworker's Journal 1992-16-6, страница 32



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Tlut's what Warren McGlnnii of Nevli. MN wrote to tell us after using his HADDON LCJMBERMAKER! This simple, low cost. 4 lb. attachment, turns any chain saw into a portable saw mill and accurate cutting tool Lets you make good custom cut lumber from logs — RIGHT WHERE THE TREE FALLS! Pays for itself with the lumber from the first tree you cui. Out performs other products many times its siie and price! The one sire HADDON LUMBER-MAKER" fits ALL chain saws Attaches in seconds and works with regular chain. Cut any size lumber you need for furniture. fences, flooring, siding, sheds, pole bams. LOG CABINS... the list is endless!

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Special Techniques


Photo 13: Set in end fold.

Photo 13: Smooth the background.

Please circle No. 2-1 on the Reader Senil e Card 32

Photo 14: Clear away end fold hack -ground.


To remove the final '/lf> in. of hack ground, use the same gouges you did initially to set in around the outside edges of the folds. These arc the 10mm no. 5 gouge and the 12mm no. 1 gouge. Angle (he gouge to undercut the folds slightly. Undercutting the folds make ihem stand oul from the background enhancing the three dimensional elfeci Then smooth the background using an 8inm no. 2 gouge (Photo 15).

For a final deiail make a very small bevel along ihe sharp edges of all ihe folds wiih the 8mm no. 2 gouge. This will reflect light making the folds more visible. It will also strengthen the edges of ihe folds and keep them from breaking off easily (Photo 16).

Finishing Lp

Once your carving and planing work is finished, the linenfold should be nearly

Photo 16: Bevel the edge.

o'inplcic. II you've been really careful wuh ihe gouge work, no sanding will be necessary. However, especially for the first lew times you try this technique, \ou II likely need lo use a lillle sandpa-jvr lo smooth oul the lines left from your block plane, and lo clean up roughness in ihe lold carvings. Jusl be careful not lo overs and. especially in the folds. Nice crisp lines are what makes linenfold carvings really stand out. and if these tines are rounded over or dulled, ihe carvings won't have the desired effect. The judicious use of ihe gouges can even be used to your advantage, and after you've gained some experience, you may find that leav ing in some of the lool marks aciuallv enhances the realism of the linenfold technique.

If your linenfold carving is designed to fit into a piece of furniture, assemble the whole piece before putting a finish on the carving. This will ensure an even

llie WcKtlftortker's Journal