Woodworker's Journal 1993-17-1, страница 31



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these areas. Such a situation would cause the veneer to bubble and lift. Try applying veneer to an already constructed sample T-Box. and you'll discover this for yourself.


Now rbat the core is assembled and the skins are complete, we are ready to attach the skins to the core. Bui before this is done we need some way to keep the core square and straight as the skins are being applied.

A good way to do this is to first take one of the skins and lay it on a bench or table with the side to be glued facing up. Lay the assembled core structure on the skin as it will be in the final glue up. Then, square the core by measuring the diagonals and clamp it to the skin at the corners (Step 5).

Next, you'll need a way to index the

January/February llW

core lo the skin, so that after the core is removed (so glue can be applied to the edges), it wilt be automatically indexed lo the skin when repositioned tor ihe final glue-up.

You will need several small blocks, about '/■» in. thick by 1 in. square. With hoi melt glue, fasten one block to the skin al each of ihe four corners, tight against the core (Step 6). Now glue as many additional blocks as needed around the perimeter of the core lo keep it straight. After the clamps are removed, ihe blocks will bold the core square and in proper registration to the skin.

The core can now be removed for gluing. When ihe core is repositioned down on ihe skin, the blocks will hold the core in perfect registration (Siep 7). Be sure lo mark both the core and skin (as shown in Slep 6) so that vou get ihe core back on ihe same way it was w hen







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you attached ihe blocks.

Clue Up

There are two choices when it comes to clamping the skins to the core (Slep 8). If you plan on doing a lot of T Box work, a clamping press, such as a veneer press, is the best choice. But lor occasional T-Box construction, fasteners, such as nails, staples, or screws are fine to hold the skins in place while the glue cures. If you use a mechanical fastener, first mark on the skins where every core strip is. Be sure to use plenty of fasteners.

Apply glue to the edges of ihe core, making sure to use enough. There is no need to apply glue to ihe skin. The core can now be repositioned to ihe skin with the positioning blocks (a.s shown in Slep 7>. Next, apply glue to the edges of the oiher side of ihe core. Position the opposile side skin and attach ii to the core using the same fastening method— either glue or glue plus mechanical fasteners—as vou used on the first side. If you are using a clamping press, you'll

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