Woodworker's Journal 1993-17-4, страница 17


How to Buy Wood

What to do when the wood rack is bare

hy Rosier Holmes

July/August I <W3

Whether it's pine tor rough-and-ready bookshelves, highly figured walnut for a grandfather clock case or jusi some interesting pieces of this or that to stash away, woodworkers are always on the prowl for wood. Sometimes our sources are unusual. Early in my woodworking career. I attempted to transform an oak shipping pallet into a workbench. How. I marveled, could anyone consign such nohlc materia! to the cruel tines of a fork lift when local lumberyards were charging the earth for it—at least KOc a hoard foot, A week of grueling, inelegant hacking at the twisty, rock hard stuff produced a wobbly bench and. far inore useful to me. a visceral understanding of why sonic wood deserves 10 end up in