Woodworker's Journal 1993-17-4, страница 19io know the shop foreman, who was happy to sell me small quantities of wood. He even set aside highly figured hoards for me—such material was unsuitable for their projects, hut just the kind of thing I was after. If you're coming up empty handed at the local lumberyard, check oui the professional woodworking shops in your area. Keep in mind that these folks are doing you a favor—they earn their living making things out of wood, not selling it—but you'll likely find them very helpful. Small shops may not work with a wide range of material, but they'll probably have common domestic hardwoods and cabinet-grade plywood. If you're looking for larger quantities of material or something special, the shop may be w ilting to add your order to one of the regular orders they place w ith their wholesaler. Saw mills There are a surprising number of small sawmills around the country; i live in the "treeless" Great Plains, but there are four in my county alone. (I know this because my county cooperative extension agency provides a listing; check to see if yours does.) Some small mills are full-time operations, others provide additional income for farmers or, sometimes. woodworkers. Not all will be keen to sell in small quantities or to allow you to pick through the piles. But some will. You won't find a wide selection of species at a small mill; most deal exclusively with local hardwoods and softwoods. Bui you should be able to buy at goixl prices. And. if you get 10 know the operator, you might be able to get some custom sawing done. When I worked in England, it was common practice to keep together boards cut from a single log. Buying whole logs made it much easier to match grain and color tor a piece of furniture or even an entire dining set; sequential boards could be hook-matched just like veneers for a tabielop, for example. This practice is rare, if not unknown, in the U.S., but a willing miller can do it July/August I <W3 19 for you, either with logs you've selected from his lot or those provided yourself, in addition, you can specify board thicknesses and. if the miller's equipment and inclination permit, you can specify how you want it cut—hoxed-heart, quartersawn or the standard through and through. Custom sawing isn't cheap, but it can give you something you can't get anywhere else. I laving located a cooperative sawmill, you may be tempted to acquire standing trees for custom sawing. As a general rule, resist the temptation. That big maple or ash tree your neighbor says he'll give you if you'll just cut it down and take it away may end up costing you a lot of money and even greater headaches by the time it's stacked up in your barn. Felling even moderately large trees, particularly in residential neighborhoods. is best left to professionals—it's very cosily to replace a roof splintered by a tree that falls the w rong way. Once the tree is down, you've got to get it to the mill; a trunk 8 ft. long and 18 in. in diameter ts very heavy. Some sawyers won't handle street trees or trees culled from pasture or fence rows because ot their tendene} to be riddled w ith nails, shot or wire, all of which can wreak havoc with a saw blade. Finally, if you do saw it up. the resulting wood may be disappointing (poor color or figure) or even unusable, suffering from hitherto unseen rot. ring shakes or other defects. \\ holesale Useful as local suppliers can he, there may come a time when your favorite lumbervard or sawmill can't supply what you want and you have to look farther afield. Although I was grateful for the help of my friend at the niillwork shop, I regularly needed more material than he could conveniently supplv. So. I began to order directly from one of his wholesale suppliers, the Frank Paxton Lumber Company, in Kansas City. Every region has wholesale lumber dealers. Paxton. for example, has 12 outlets spread from Cincinnati to Albuquerque. each offering roughly 50 to M) species of wood, a selection of Cute pups m four playful poses. Projects come apart for compact storage. Plan includes FULL SIZE patterns for all four puppies plus fire hydrant shown. Appro*. 9" high. Order hardware parts below. »W1168 Take-Apart Dalmatians Plan ......................................JS7.99/SET Take-Apart Dalmatians Hdw. Parts Tins package contains eight plastic eyes and lour red nylon collars lo make four Take-Apart Dalmatians. Project plan, wood and paint are not included. *34-44 Take-Apart Dalmatians Hdw. Paris ..............................................S6.99/PKG HOW TO ORDER: List quantity, part number, item, price & total ot order. Include $4.95 shipping & handling per order. UN residents add 6.5% sales tax. Mail check or money order Credit card customers cali TOLL FREE 1-800-441-9870. MEISEL HARDWARE SPECIALTIES P.O. BOX 70J8 MOUND, MN 55364 Phase < ii i If Ni>. 203 tin the Reader Service Caul 6" Vi*"' REFINISHING PRODUCTS RANDOM ORBITAL DISCS 5" White Hoot & Loop, 8 notes tor BOSCH 180 Gnt SS2.50/50 200 Snt $10 00/50 6" White (Norton^ PSA Discs • 220 Gm J20 00/250 Roll PREMIUM QUALITY BELTS: BEST RESIN OVER RESIN. "X" WEIGHT lO/BOX
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