Woodworker's Journal 2006-30-5, страница 58


Hybrid saws, with features from both the cabinet and contractor's saws, are the likely winners in the competition for home-shop woodworkers.

Hybrid Saws:

Bending rules, blending benefits

Single belt drive to saw arbor

Smaller trunnions

Trunnions (and the motor and gearing), are mounted to saw's table

Hybrid saws are simply a great idea: Take elements of cabinet saws and contractor's saws, by far the two dominant home-shop table saws, and blend them into the perfect home-shop compromise. But alas, no compromise is perfect. While hybrid saws have cabinets, they are not as robustly built as their pro-shop cousins. Their motors all run on 120-volt household current, which makes them much more

The hybrid cabinet is a great help in controlling sawdust. It also contains the motor, which makes it a bit quieter than a contractor's saw.

convenient for the average home woodworker but limits the horsepower. (Although claims of 2HP motors are not uncommon, unless a special 30-amp circuit is provided, the saws will not deliver that much oomph.) The cabinet does help control sawdust and mask a bit of noise as well. Both the DeWalt hybrid and JET Supersaw offer versions with sliding tables, a very sophisticated feature borrowed from top-drawer cabinet saws. The trunnions and gearing of most

Woodworker's Journal October 2006 58

Moderate-duty gearing for blade tilt and for raising and lowering the blade

hybrids are more substantial than contractor's saws, but not even close to that of cabinet saws. But they're just fine for 99 percent of home-shop woodworking projects.

Hybrid saws may well be the future of the home-shop table saw. Their success will likely lead to the death knell of the contractor's saw. Why buy a moderately powered

saw with an open base that has its motor hanging out behind it? The major limitations of hybrids is power, and the fact that they will not be as durable as a cabinet saw. Their prices top out at $1,300, but they can be found for as low as $700, depending on the brand.

Today's Shop continues on page 88 ...

Like the contractor's saw, the hybrid's motor and gearing are mounted to the tabletop. Trunions and gearing are smaller and less robust than a cabinet saw's.

Hybrid Saw High-points

An ultra-practical power tool for the home-shop woodworker. Moderately priced with great accessories available. Consider these details: 0 Fences and miter gauges are of good quality 0 Enclosed cabinet for better dust collection and control 0 Large tabletops

0 120-volt motors will run on common household current 0 Price range: roughly $700 to $1,300 or a little more

Smaller, less substantial adjustment wheels