Woodworker's Journal fall-2010, страница 63


co mmo n woo d wo rki ng misconception is that simple joinery is easy to make. While its true that dadoes and rabbets are much more accessible than, say, secret miter joints, they must be cut to exacting tolerances to be clone well. This is especially true when the joints remain exposed, as in these bookcases. Constructed from ApplePly, the

joinery on the built-up shelves and uprights adds visual interest to the project's clean lines. If the joints are really tight, they look great. If they have gaps, well... not so great.

I say all of this simply to encourage you. Should you decide to build this piece, take your time at each

machining step to fit the parts carefully. Also, be sure to stay focused. There is nothing tricky about constructing these modular bookcases but, as I

www.woodworkersjournal.com fall 2010 63