Creative Woodworks & crafts 1997-08, страница 65

Creative Woodworks & crafts 1997-08, страница 65

Call today for your complete kit - just

Scroller Ltd. 1



• Spray cdjor- that's fast dwl easy — use it for basecoating, , gradient backgrounds, and staihingwood frames.

■ Bckitiful'bfUshlcss finish,

•; Controlled' spray featufe'keeps overs pray to a minimum

• Eaw soap and water clcan up. ,'

• ISoi'/toxic aod virtually no odor!

Call.'ScTbilcr Ltd. today for your complete .

Visions J Kit, which includes the X

Visions AirPatnter. iOVisidi.1s Colors, and / Ozdiic Safe Propellant. Plusi, for a limited : / rin&gcr THRRE FKEE MTTERNS ' '.'I •' . (a $12.95 value!). • U>