Creative Woodworks & crafts 2002-03, страница 38

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2002-03, страница 38

Step 5. Sketch in the upper eyelids and make stop cuts around them. Tilt the tool into the eye. DO NOT undercut the eyelid. Remove wood below the stop cut to make the upper eyelid higher than the eye.

Step 7. Carve the lower part of the face by first carving in a mustache and then a smiling, open mouth. Note: be sure to carve the mustache first, as it is higher than the lower lip. Again, notice the subtle S shape of the lower edge of each side of the mustache. This contributes to the look of the smile.

Step 6. Now sketch in the lower eyelid, making sure it has the S shape indicating the tear duct on the inside of the eye and the raised cheek on the outside of the eye. Lower the wood of the eye so that the lower eyelid is higher than the eye.

Step 8. The No. 9 sweep gouges are good circle-making tools. Let the sweep of the tool define the grape shape and size. If you turn the tool in the wood, it will make a complete circle for you. Note: be sure to slant the tool away from the grape so that you do not undercut it or accidentally break it off.

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1. Publiculionm: Creative Woodworks ic CruLts. 2.pytdieatior. N-.ur.hcr: IU56-6729. 3. £ijiu& Date: October 1. 2001.4. issue Fluency: 7 times a year. 5. No. uflssOos Published Annually: 7. 6. Annual Suhscripncu Price: $41.95.7. C.on-.plac Mailing Arfdwss? of Known (Mice of Publication: All American Craft*. lite.. 243 Ny.vloj. Road; Newton, NJ ?>. Complete Milling Address of Headquarters or General UisjsioC-Ss Oft'iee of Publisher: All American Crafts. Inc.. 243 Newlon-S.Mrta

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Step 9. Turn the No. 9 sweep gouge upside down to round the grapes. If you make the grapes the size of the tool, you can round them very efficiently by making the shape of the tool work for you.

Step 10. Layer the leaves and then add the detail. Keep the lines moving. Notice how the S shape is used throughout. Avoid straight lines.

Step 11. To create the dark-eyed look, lower the irises by first making a stop cut at the upper eyelid with the No. 3-16mm gouge and then cutting in the iris with the No. 9-10mm gouge. Again, the shape of the tool will create the circle for you. This time you want to slant the tool into the circle so that you remove the wood.


Complete the carving by sealing the wood and then staining it with a walnut stain. Immediately remove the excess with a soft cloth so that the stain is heavier in the recesses. After the stain has dried, apply a satin finish appropriate to the stain you used. If you want to hang Bacchus outside, be sure to use an outdoor finish, yi