Creative Woodworks & crafts 2002-04, страница 42

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2002-04, страница 42


&JB Wood: hardwood of

# choice (match the

choice of wood to the object V : ; ' to be decorated)—one piece

3/4" x 9" x 9" cut in half, comer to comer

ymtSgr. Tools; No. 1-20mm chisel; No. 3-

6rnm, No. 3-14mm, No. 5-12mm, No. 5-'jfr 20mm, and No. 7-20mm gouges; No. 11-3mm veiner; No. 41-12mm V-tool; carver's ||||P mallet

% ■/' Note: you can use a wide variety of tools to accomplish the same task. Simply match the tools you have available to the arcs you wish to cut.


\ straight lines at the border. Note: it is better to make these cuts

I fairly shallow at this time and deepen them as you remove \ wood. The chisel, after all, is a wedge; when plunged too

| deeply, it will split the wood. I give the tool handle one medium | tap with the mallet on these cuts. Experiment on scrap wood | to learn how deep a single medium strike with the mallet will

| plunge the chisel into the wood.

by Ivan Whillock


This decoration can be used on book shelves, cabinets or room dividers to add a decorative touch to your projects. The pattern can, of course, be reversed to create a matched pair.


a tool that matches the arc of each leaf segment and make stop cuts around the outside edge of the leaf and stem pattern. Do not make the inside stop cuts now. Here, we are outlining the pattern to remove background wood. It confuses the issue to make internal stop cuts at this time.

IB • Creative Woodworks S. Crafts April S002

Step 1. Mount the wood onto a piece of peg board larger than the piece you wish to carve. Use shallow screws so that there is no chance of catving into them. Clamp the peg board to your bench. This provides a hold down system that keeps the clamps away from the workpiece. You need to secure the project to the bench so that you can use both hands on the tools. Carving with one hand while holding the project to the bench with the other is a dangerous practice that should be avoided.

use the No. 3 sweep tools to remove the background. To avoid scarring the edge of the pattern, first take a small wedge of wood out near the stop cut and then expand that wedge into the background. In other words, start close to the pattern with small, carefully controlled cuts and work your way back with largei ones. Keeping both hands on the tool will allow you to make controlled cuts without cutting into the wood you wish to keep.