Creative Woodworks & crafts 2004-06, страница 65

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2004-06, страница 65


Wood: clear wood of:chdit.e (w'0 gp|I ssftjcej—ohe piecn 3/4'' x; 1 2"x 3*"(forbcih back pieces): cce plywood of choice:]we vised.hickb^/i —one pltstee | /4" x 6:' x 1 "5" {for Vfeiccme (elit'ers^spryc'e. phe of.

wood: of piece 3/4" xti'x 10" (for

ccrciinoi)'j:c/eaf wobd w/jn little grcm~-frne fell 3/4" x 6" x 12" dogwoods) . fools': scro!! saw win No. 5 blade: fdibie.sow: djli%4!h :: any medium-size bit; r.putsrWiih a 1/2" dbye bit; iinishincr sander wifh medium- arid fine-grit gqndjag1-per: d'jm sander w®h medk;m-gff't sdhdpoper: ;hdndheld rdiary tool with m@diu.m-gfif sahdiftg drum; , tablefoo diss': withymediunvgpi. sanding disc f§

Pencil r. -WKM

SOilpdinlpen: pptlll

Three copies of the cardinal ana dOgwood biossomis licscirig paper :""'•'■/■■' ••Scissors

.Spray adhesive\ • r •

•vs-'n^dxIM vvocK-J sinii>in Golden ©dfe P;ovincidl.

Woinui. and Mahogany white acrylic pair; Orange acrylic point

Water l^lll®^

Old riylbn stocking or sfinci sponge brush

Wax paper

Wood gibe

Spray acrylic sealer

four 1 It screw haoks or cyjb. hpote

■ choice

Fig. 3. Numbering each part of the cardinal and dogwood

pattern will prove helpful for the assembly.

Fig. 4. Pieces of scrap lumber work well for the cardinal and dogwoods.

Fig. 1. Rout the edges of the two background pieces. Fig. 5. Start by cutting the small inside pieces first.

Fig. 2. Sand the back side of the letters and set aside.

Fig. 6. Cutting the accents on the dogwood petals.

continued on page 66 Creative Woodworks & Crafts June 2004 • E5