Creative Woodworks & crafts 2005-04, страница 62

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2005-04, страница 62

__ Pattern Located in Full Size Pattern Section No-1!


by Larry Goodwin


Wood: Spanish cedar—5/8"~fhick (for body, fail, back leg, and smell Iforil leg} and 3/4"-fhick (for head and large front leg}: walnut—3/4"-fhick (for duck-bill, upper and iower bridges of ihe bill, and cheek pouches); cypress— 5/8"-thick (for v/eb portion of af feet]; cherry dowel—one piece 1/4" Dia.x2' (for right eye pupil] and one piece 5/32'-Dia. x 2" (for left eye pupi!(; Baltic birch plywood-one piece 1 /8" x 9" x 15" (for backer board) fools: scroll saw wiih assorted blcdes; drill press with assorted bite and sanding mop; belt sander; oscillating spindle drum sander: pnoumatic drum sander; rotary lool with assorted attachments; bow sander; spring clamps with rubber tips Temporary-bond spray adhesive Fast setting glue of choice

Stain of choice for daws on feet and edges of backer

board Carpenter's glue racing paper wcxed paper Sandpaper, assorted grits No. 0000 steel wool ■ :>ld nylor. hosiery wipe-on polyurefhane finish H. , jor _ I choice


One of the most unusual, rare, and interesting animals in the world is the duck-billed platypus. It has existed for more than 150 million years in the rivers and streams of Australia. This unique litfle creature is considered the most primitive of all living mctmmals on earth. The platypus lives a very socluded life and is rarely seen by humens. Here is our version!

(The actual size of a duck-billed pialypus is 18" to 24 ' long, bill fo tail. If you choose to make c life-size plo'ypus. enlarge the pattern cccording'y.}

62 • Creative WfrinrtMT® S Crafts April 2005


Mark, cut deburr arid fit

Fig. 1. Make your wood selection

Begin by studying the pattern. Decide on what woods to use. focusing on interesting wood grain and color combinations (sec Fig. 1).

Fig. 2. Claws kept part of leg section (I.e., not segmented)

Due to the smc I components and the fragility of the clows, I chosc not to segment them. I simply made them part of the leg sections and stcined fhem for clcrity. You may opt otherwise, if desired (see Fig. 2)