Popular Woodworking 2002-02 № 126, страница 68

Popular Woodworking 2002-02 № 126, страница 68

To make the mating arc inlays in the corners I used a template guide and trim router with a Vi6"-wide bit. I made the template from a V2" piece of scrap plywood.The inlay runs out from the outer banding. Use the diagram on a previous page to make your own template so that your cut will start right at the corner. The notches at the ends of the arc will help you start and stop your cuts.

Finally (though I'm working across the pattern in the photo above) glue the center ring inlay in place.The trick here is getting the four quarter-circle pieces to the correct lengths to mate exactly with almost no visible joint.

The center mating arcs are made using the same bit and template guide, but a new plywood jig. Note that I used center lines struck on the door front to orient my template jig.

With all the recesses cut, it's time to start putting the inlay in place. I started with the outer chevron banding.Above, I'm marking the center of each run to reverse the direction of the chevrons.This actually makes the pattern easier to glue in.

'16" —

Blade entry ■ cutout



(Half scale)

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